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Technology can lead to inclusion, but also exclusion

As the world around us becomes more digital, we often hear about how technology can be used to increase inclusion. However, according to Margunn Aanestad, professor in e-health at the University of Agder, technology can also increase exclusion. A report from the Norwegian Institute for Adult Learning showed that roughly 600 000 Norwegians are non-digital, and at risk of being excluded from the digital society.


Videokonsultasjoner i psykisk helsevern – et samarbeid mellom forskere, pårørende og brukere.

Forskerne i prosjektet om videokonsultasjoner i psykisk helsevern har denne uka vært fysisk samlet med Kompetanserådet for å diskutere og lage prinsipper for videokonsultasjoner.


Creating e-tools that simplify patients' lives

The Dignity Care research project is working to identify how a digital tool can help patients live a good life, despite illness. Such a tool can make it easier for everyone to collaborate with and around a patient and provide the right help at the right time.


Need more GPs and coordination tools

- GPs can solve even more of the collaboration challenges in the health service. But they lack the necessary framework conditions and, not least, the digital systems that work together, says Marte Kvittum Tangen, head of the Norwegian Association for General Practice.


Nå vil regjeringen at du kan få sykemelding uten å møte opp fysisk på legekontoret

- At sykemeldinger kan gis gjennom e-konsultasjon kan være en god løsning både for den som sykemelder og den sykemeldte, sier arbeids- og inkluderingsminister Marte Mjøs Persen.


Discrimination: a reason why healthcare services don't work

If you are a man between the ages of 40 and 60, with a heart attack or other typical "man things", the health service is well organised for you. Lill Sverresdatter Larsen of the Norwegian Nurses' Association believes that there are elements of discrimination in the narrative of "the world's best health service".


Better use of e-prescription on the way to the patient's medication list

The patient's medication list will be rolled out across the country over the next few years. What can you do to prepare now? Catch up on the latest news about trialling and implementation in this webinar.


Vulnerability in health care must be reduced

Recently, almost 30 representatives from the EU project HEIR visited our centre in Tromsø. The goal is to create a robust IT security system for reliable sharing of health data in the EU health sector.


Rare interest in the rare

Dignity Care could be particularly important for those with the rarest diagnoses, according to Anne-Grete Strøm-Erichsen. The former health minister and now chair of the board of the e-health group Kernel, has more knowledge about rare diagnoses than most of us.


Digital inclusion - a user perspective

The Norwegian Association for the Elderly and the Norwegian Association for the Blind represent a large proportion of users who face challenges when using digital health services. They shared their experiences and talk about the way forward in this webinar.

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