
What pills should I take today?

Citizens and patients should be in no doubt about which medicines they should use and when. The number of sources of error must be reduced. The potential lies in the digitalisation of medication management.

What pills should I take today?
Espen Hetty Carlsen, Mildrid Ræstad and Solrun Elvik would like your input on the plan for digitalisation in the pharmaceutical sector.
We would like consultation input as a Christmas present. We encourage you to read through the plan and take a few minutes to answer the consultation questions. Thank you in advance!

You can read the entire action plan here. Please note that this is a consultation draft, and the Directorate for e-Health wants to know what you think about the proposals. The consultation deadline is 22 December 2022.

Presentation by acting department director Espen Hetty Carlsen, senior adviser Mildrid Ræstad and senior adviser Solrun Elvik at the Directorate for e-health.


You can download the podcast to your mobile on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or Podbean. Search for ‘Norwegian Centre for E-health Research’.