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Finnish hospital pharmacists' experiences with electronic medication management system

How has the new electronic health record system at Helsinki University Hospital affected medication management and the role of the pharmacists? The pharmacists think that the changes have been worth the effort. Get an international perspective at this webinar 9 December.


Multisick patients' need for interdisciplinary follow-up

Compound, complex diseases require interdisciplinary expertise and follow-up from healthcare professionals. How can the hospital and the municipality work together for these vulnerable patients?


E-helse i Europa: studiebesøk til Frankrike baner vei for samarbeid 

Frankrike har gjort et imponerende arbeid i e-helsefeltet de siste årene og tar sikte på å lede an i arbeidet med European Health Data Space. Sammen med Direktoratet for e-helse, har Nasjonalt senter for e-helseforskning vært på studiebesøk til Frankrike og Agence du Numérique en Santé (ANS).


Young family members: Caring for mental health over video

What do young people think about getting mental health care on video? Here are their views on flexibility, safety, and whether it's helpful.


Har byttet ut «post-it»-lapper med app: – Ga umiddelbar effekt for brukeren

Forskere ved Nasjonalt senter for e-helseforskning har undersøkt erfaringene med innføring av en ny mobilapp i Nordlandssykehuset. – Suksess, sier forsker Gro-Hilde Severinsen.


The pharmacy, the patient and digital interaction

Good digital interaction solutions contribute to better patient safety! How do the pharmacies do it?


Feedback from users essential to create good online treatment

Our second open day webinar was held on 27 October 2022. The overarching theme of the presentations was digital mental health services.


Feeling safe after leaving the hospital

In the hospital, you as a patient have a knowledgeable safety net of healthcare professionals. Back at home after treatment, many can feel unsafe and lack support. Digital home monitoring can fill this gap and improve your quality of life.


Digitalising patient health records

Despite healthcare professionals using the electronic patient record on a daily basis, it does not fulfil the need for collaboration. Why not, and what are the challenges?


Shadowing success project to revolutionize the patient record

When elderly patients with multiple illnesses receive coordinated healthcare services from a team, 43% of them live longer than those who receive regular healthcare services. IT company Aidn shadows how the team works and develops a patient record that is based on the patient - not the health service.

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