
Digitalising patient health records

Despite healthcare professionals using the electronic patient record on a daily basis, it does not fulfil the need for collaboration. Why not, and what are the challenges?

Digitalising patient health records
Aslak Steinsbekk presents the current status about challenges for collaborting in electronic health records.

Digitalising patient health records is an important step towards holistic patient pathways. Despite healthcare professionals using the electronic patient record on a daily basis, it does not fulfil the need for collaboration. Why not, and what are the challenges?

We need to think more team-orientated. Specialisation in healthcare means that each patient sees several people. From the patient's point of view, the therapists are a team, even if they don't meet as a team. I believe that the EHR system must recognise this and facilitate interaction. In this way, we will benefit each other.

Presentation by professor Aslak Steinsbekk at Norwegian University of Science and Technology and Norwegian Centre for E-health Research.

Steinsbekk's current research areas include health services research focusing on how health services are perceived from the patients‘ perspective and patients’ experiences with and effect of the total package of measures they receive in the health service, as well as educational research with an emphasis on VR (Virtual reality).


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