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A municipality's responsibility for digital remote care

The municipalities should facilitate digital home follow-up, but are not responsible for this alone! How can national authorities help everyone on their way? What role should hospitals and GPs play?


Snus users fail to quit smoking

Women quit smoking more often than men, and highly educated people quit more often than students. Common for those who fail is that they use snus.


Many were sceptical to electronic access to mental health records

Access to one's own medical records is now an established part of the service provision in mental health care. However, some situations can be problematic.


How do I want to live when I am older?

If I'm not going to live in a nursing home, what will my home look like? We put patient pathways for the elderly in a larger societal perspective.


Will there be more use of artificial intelligence in the Norwegian healthcare system?

Researchers at the Norwegian Centre for E-health Research have investigated what is needed to introduce artificial intelligence in the Norwegian healthcare system. They recommend that there be more of it.


People must be trained in using digital technology in care

It is urgent that we create societies that are good for everyone to live in. People are now being trained for new health technology jobs. These professions of the future hardly exist yet, but are already important.


Efficient categorization leads to efficient analysis

Descriptions of adverse drug events, medication errors and overall treatment have the potential to tell us a lot about a medicine. If only we could easily make sense of all that unstructured data!

Join the free webinar on 20 January.


Snusbrukere mislykkes med røykeslutt

Kvinner stumper røyken oftere enn menn, og høyt utdannede slutter oftere enn studenter. Felles for de som ikke lykkes, er at de bruker snus.


Artificial intelligence interprets your medical record

The system will automatically propose condition codes for patients' discharge summaries.


How social media can improve our health

Our third open day webinar took place on 22 November 2022. We should look more into social media in health for many reasons. It can be used to educate and nudge people towards a healthier lifestyle. Also, people can find support in social media for managing health conditions.

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