
A municipality's responsibility for digital remote care

The municipalities should facilitate digital home follow-up, but are not responsible for this alone! How can national authorities help everyone on their way? What role should hospitals and GPs play?

A municipality's responsibility for digital remote care
Elisabeth Djønne, Siw Helene Myhrer, and Kristin Bang talk about national initiatives regarding digital remote care.
When we work on developing services, all stakeholders must be involved in the process. If we're working on collaboration, it doesn't work well if, for example, the municipality or hospital tries to find out how other stakeholders should act. We need to sit around the same table. Experience shows that this contributes to a better understanding of each other's work situation and better co-operation. This is in the best interests of patients.

Based on national and municipal projects, the Norwegian Directorate of Health recommends the following:

  1. Municipal health and care services should facilitate digital remote care.
  2. Before starting a digital remote care programme, find collaborators among neighboring muncipalities and hospitals.
  3. People with chronic conditions or in need of long-term follow-up, with a medium to high risk of their health deteriorating, should be offered digital home follow-up as an individually customised service.

The national e-health strategy (2023) has similar goals:

  • In collaboration with healthcare professionals, citizens have the opportunity to customise when, where and how health and care services are provided, and more services are provided at the patient's home.
  • More people are living at home for longer through the use of welfare technology and digital home monitoring. This contributes to increased security, coping and ability to look after their own health.

How do we turn goals into practice? Watch the webinar to find out how the Norwegian Directorate of Health and the Directorate of eHealth contribute to the successful introduction of digital home follow-up.

Presentation by

  • Siw Helene Myhrer, senior advisor, Norwegian Directorate of Health
  • Elisabeth Djønne, senior advisor, Norwegian Directorate of Health
  • Kristin Bang, senior advisor, Directorate of eHealth


You can download the podcast to your mobile on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or Podbean. Search for ‘Norwegian Centre for E-health Research’.

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