
The pharmacy, the patient and digital interaction

Good digital interaction solutions contribute to better patient safety! How do the pharmacies do it?

The pharmacy, the patient and digital interaction
Anne-Lise Härter gives a status report on collaboration solutions for pharmacies.
Eik is an innovative solution that contributes to increased patient safety. It enables pharmacies to interact with each other and other actors in the health service on a modern platform.

Presentation by Anne-Lise Härter, director of e-health at the Apotekforeningen.


You can download the podcast to your mobile on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or Podbean. Search for ‘Norwegian Centre for E-health Research’.


The goal for the entire healthcare sector is to establish solutions that make it possible to share patient information across actors. The pharmacies' contribution is Eik.

Eik is the new IT solution for pharmacies. Together with the pharmacies' own business solutions, Eik will replace the current pharmacy system FarmaPro. The platform facilitates efficient work processes and interaction between the pharmacies and other players in the health service. Soon, two pharmacy chains will have it on a pilot basis. What can we in the rest of health Norway learn from their experiences with information sharing?

In addition to a status update on Eik, Härter informed about the investigation work the Pharmacy Association is carrying out for the use of the Patient's Drug List in pharmacies.

Anne-Lise Härter is director of e-health at Apotekforeningen. She is a qualified orthopedic engineer, with additional training in management and project management, including the national top management program for the health enterprises. She has work experience, among other things, as area director for Sykehusapotekene HF, general manager of Curato Røntgen AS, as well as several management positions in the Directorate of Health, the Directorate for e-health and Norsk Helsenett SF. Härter has, among other things, been responsible for the development, introduction and management of the national e-health solutions e-prescription and core journal.