
How do we see the entire patient?

The patient is going home after a stay in hospital. What concrete steps are staff taking to prevent readmissions?

Watch footage of the methodology behind patient-centred healthcare teams (PSHT).

Webinar: How do we see the entire patient?
Anna Lillefloth and Linda Strøm explain the methodology behind PSHT.
This is an important tool for us to be able to see the whole patient. All the aspects. Not just those related to health, illness or symptoms.

Patient-centred health service teams (PSHT) exist at several hospitals in Norway. The team in Narvik consists of nurses, a doctor, pharmacist, social worker, physiotherapist and occupational therapist. Together, the PSHT will ensure the best possible transition from hospital to home. How is it done in practice? What is the methodology behind PSHT?

Presentation by Linda Elisabeth Strøm, nurse and team koordinator at the University Hospital of North Norway, and Anna Karine Lillefloth, clinical pharmacist at Sykehusapotek Nord.

Based on a situation that many healthcare workers will recognise, Strøm and Lillefloth will take us through the patient's journey and how PSHT works to see the whole patient.


You can download the podcast to your mobile on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or Podbean. Search for ‘Norwegian Centre for E-health Research’.