
The Health Personnel Commission and the future of health services in municipal Norway

This spring, the Health Personnel Commission has thoroughly documented that there are not enough people to provide equally good healthcare services in the future. What does the lack of workers mean for a municipality in the far north of the world?

In the webinar on 16 June, we looked at the future of healthcare services from the municipalities' perspective.

Webinar: Time for action in Norwegian muncipalities
Magne Nicolaisen discusses some thoughts on the significance of the Health Personnel Commission's report for the municipalities.
In the future, there will be fewer employees per patient. If we are to succeed in rigging the future, we must invest more in low-threshold services and build the good communities. Loneliness is the biggest reason why older people need health and care services. A municipality cannot solve loneliness for all its citizens. But as a society, we can help solve loneliness.

The report "Time for action" which the Health Personnel Commission delivered in February believes that Norway must reduce the need for labor within health and care.

On behalf of his municipality, Magne Nicolaisen puts the challenge in a larger perspective. He believes that the report paints a serious picture of the future which will require us to think new and radically. Digital home monitoring is only one of many measures.

There will be a need for labor in areas other than health in the future, for example within the green shift and defence. It can also be difficult to recruit people to remote areas. Nicolaisen agrees with the report's claim that we cannot bring in labor from abroad to cover the needs. Something else is needed.

Presentation by Magne Nicolaisen, department director for health and care, Tromsø municipality.


You can download the podcast to your mobile on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or Podbean. Search for ‘Norwegian Centre for E-health Research’.