How to teach health personnel about good patient pathways?
The patient's journey through the healthcare system should be as smooth as possible. But how do we get there, and how do we train healthcare professionals in good patient pathways? You can find the answer here.
The entire recording can be found at the bottom of this article.
On the initiative of rehabilitation managers in the Northern Norway Regional Health Authority, a mapping exercise was carried out in 2017 to identify expertise needs in the specialist health service in the Northern Norway Regional Health Authority. It resulted in Kompetansetrappa.
'Kompetansetrappa is aimed at all professional groups in the healthcare sector. Some topics are particularly relevant to the field of rehabilitation, while others are relevant to several disciplines. Some of the content may even be suitable for training patients and relatives,’ says advisor Christel Sundfær Johansen at the University Hospital of North Norway.
As the name suggests, the model is built as a staircase, with each step building on the previous one. You start with online courses and move on to webinars, practical training and experience sessions.
‘Training through Kompetansetrappa is an important investment in the job, both to recruit and retain people. In the long run, it will benefit the patient,’ says Johansen.
The staircase is dynamic and constantly evolving. Long-term pain is a requested topic that has recently been added. These days, training is taking place in a new series on stroke.
Johansen and her colleagues want to involve more people who work outside the specialist health services. Municipalities and private rehabilitation centres can contribute content to online courses or hold webinars. If they participate in practical training or professional gatherings, they will be able to interact and share experiences from their everyday lives.
At the end of the webinar, Johansen gave a taster of the online course on cognitive difficulties.
You can download the podcast to your mobile on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or Podbean. Search for ‘Norwegian Centre for E-health Research’.