
Equal partners in the health communities

Municipalities and hospitals must move in the same direction for the best interests of the patient. How can the healthcare communities help?

Webinar: Equal partners in the health communities
Astrid Nylenna, Tonje Myrvold and Jan Terje Dragvoll present work in the health communities and how best to benefit from them.
Health communities are a further development of previous cooperation between municipalities and hospitals. For Fredrikstad municipality and Sykehuset Østfold, the collaboration managers became a door opener into the health community to get input and support.

The government and KS want municipalities and healthcare organizations to see each other, not as parties, but as equal partners with joint ownership and responsibility for the patients.

19 health communities have been established in Norway. They create an arena for interaction between hospitals and surrounding municipalities. The interaction is organized in three levels: the partnership meeting, strategic cooperation committee and professional cooperation committee.

What does it mean for you as a municipality or hospital? How can you use your health community to anchor your work, share experiences or get help?

Presentation by

  • Astrid Nylenna, subject director, Directorate of Health
  • Tonje Myrvold, project manager digital remote care, Fredrikstad municipality
  • Jan Terje Dragvoll, program manager digital remote care, Østfold Hospital

The webinar begins with an overall look at the healthcare communities. What is their goal? How does interaction take place between municipalities and healthcare organizations in healthcare communities?

Further in the webinar, we will hear from Fredrikstad municipality and Sykehuset Østfold. How are they using the healthcare community to introduce digital home monitoring in their region?


You can download the podcast to your mobile on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or Podbean. Search for ‘Norwegian Centre for E-health Research’.