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Balancing professional distance and human closeness

Social media requires a simple and engaging message. But a medical or psychological condition can be anything but simple. How can patients and healthcare professionals navigate these new digital waters?


Digital collaboration between municipalities and hospitals - How difficult can it be?

Better communication often appears on improvement proposals in healthcare. How can technology help?


Philosophy and digitalisation - a letter from Paris

"Travelling abroad is exciting and exhausting."

So begins the travel letter from Professor Gro Berntsen, currently a visiting researcher at CRESS in Paris.


Technological revolution for a preventive healthcare system

Artificial intelligence (AI) now characterises many aspects of our modern existence. But what about healthcare? Can the technology help prevent or detect disease early and be a helping hand for healthcare workers?


Career path: Caretaker

Marita Amundsen is a patient partner in the research project Dignity Care, hoping to create something that can provide better help and guidance to families who have children with chronic illness or disabilities. She herself has a 20-year-old son who will always need as much care and supervision as when he was a baby.


The human factor in medicines management in nursing homes

Why is it so difficult to administer the correct medication?

With examples from Norwegian nursing homes, we explore the human factor in patient safety and the role of technology in medication management.


Five steps towards successful e-health

Bodø municipality has a lot of experience with welfare technology and remote care. What is the secret behind a successful project and a smooth transition to daily operations?


Shared knowledge about digital health in Moldova

The Norwegian Centre for E-health Research organised a four-day workshop in Chisinau, Moldova in June on digitalisation in the health sector, together with the World Health Organization.


Hvordan bruke kunstig intelligens for å løse verdens akutte helseproblemer?

Vil du vite mer om banebrytende forskning for å løse viktige helseproblemer i verden? Da bør du få med deg gjesteforedraget til Dr. Giorgio Quer.


Scanning reduces the risk of making mistakes

Medications that are given at certain times must be scanned.

This is the first step towards a closed medication loop. Hear about the process so far.

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