
Five steps towards successful e-health

Bodø municipality has a lot of experience with welfare technology and remote care. What is the secret behind a successful project and a smooth transition to daily operations?

A man doing physical exercises at home while receiving guideance via video.
Physical therapy over video is one aspect of e-health.

This is a summary of a webinar that was held in January 2022: “Barriers and opinions about welfare technology and e-health in Bodø municipality

90% of citizens who use electronic medication support in Bodø municipality get better at managing their medications. At the same time, they feel like they are better acquainted with the technology than health personnel. Their responses show how important it is to have a wholistic and thorough implementation project.

Do you work with welfare technology or remote care in your municipality? Here are the five best tips from the administration and development team in Bodø municipality in Norway.

  1. Where is the municipality’s first point of contact for citizens? Ally yourself with the employees there.
  2. Involve the correct people.
  3. Discuss the gains with those whose workdays will be affected.
  4. Encourage managers and coworkers to spread enthusiasm about the project.
  5. Communication, communication, communication.

Where is the municipality’s first point of contact for citizens? Ally yourself with the employees there

Health coordinators often meet citizens who need remote care. The problem is that citizens do not know what to ask for or which services exist. Employees help them find the best solutions.

The administration and development team in Bodø municipality allied themselves with health coordinators and held an intensive education course. Now the employees have the tools they need to recognize the signs a need for remote care and remember them when new cases come in.

Involve the correct people

When a project involves technology, it is obvious that the IT department should be involved. But do we remember the financial department as often? We often realize that critical personnel have been forgotten when we transfer from a project to daily operations.

The IT department can help with setting up technology, running the warehouse, and providing user support.

When the financial department understands the project, they will also understand the costs. At the same time, they can quality check the budget and numbers that are used for reporting gains.

That leads us to the next point.

Discuss the gains with those whose workdays will be affected

When budgets tighten, consumption must be reduced. But there is no equals sign between gains and laying people off. There are other kinds of gains. The team in Bodø makes sure to explain what the gains are to their coworkers. They promote advantages like better quality of care and reduced costs. The nurses might still have hectic workdays but at least citizens are getting better care!

Encourage managers and coworkers to spread enthusiasm about the project

All stages of the project must garner support in order to be successful. The project cannot come out of nowhere. When managers understand and can use the technology that will be implemented, they can be evangelists. They must seize opportunities with both hands.

In addition, managers must respect the hours that are set aside for the project. Those hours must not disappear into daily operations. Health services will be under just as much pressure in six months’ time. We must set aside time now in order for things to improve.

If your coworker is positive to a new technology, you and the users will also be more positive. That is why part of the project in Bodø municipality was to get health personnel and middle management to make short videos for an education campaign. The campaign encouraged employees to watch the films and discuss them with coworkers.

Communication, communication, communication

Beneath the entire project is a solid layer of communication, education, and information campaigns. Gains must be made obvious. Critical questions must receive proper answers. Everyone must receive information without having to go look for it.

In addition to a good line of communication with external collaborators like the hospital and general practitioners, Bodø municipality runs internal information campaigns. The municipality has a lot of employees and not everyone knows about all the services that the municipality offers. Even though a project manager gives presentations to a range of departments, there will still be employees they do not reach.

Communication goes both ways. When relevant actors know about the project, they can contribute ideas.

When all five steps are completed, the project can be successful and there will be a smoother transition to daily operations. Good luck!