
Scanning reduces the risk of making mistakes

Medications that are given at certain times must be scanned.

This is the first step towards a closed medication loop. Hear about the process so far.

Webinar: Scanning reduces the risk of making mistakes
Aina Rødhammer Larsen and Karen Vik talk about introducing a limited form of a closed medication loop.
Scanning in MetaVision doesn't take any longer than selecting products manually. What takes time is changing work processes.

Telemark Hospital and Akershus University Hospital have begun introducing the regional standard for closed pharmaceutical loops. The first step in the implementation is scanning when preparing medicines. Scanning of medicines during administration will be introduced when the mobile application for MetaVision is made available in Helse Sørøst. Join us for a webinar about experiences with the introduction of the regional standard.

Presentation by the local project managers Aina Rødhammer Larsen, Akershus University Hospital, and Karen Vik, Sykehusapotekene HF.

In 2020, the Southeastern Norway Regional Health Authority initiated a project to introduce a regional standard for closed pharmaceutical loops. The aim is to increase patient safety by electronically verifying (scanning) medicines and patients during preparation and administration. This will ensure that the right patient receives the right medicine in the right dose at the right time and in the right way.


You can download the podcast to your mobile on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or Podbean. Search for ‘Norwegian Centre for E-health Research’.