
Systemised user experiences

How will a clearer user voice help to create patient healthcare services?

Sørlandet Hospital presented how users contribute to service development.

Webinar: A user-led project
Kim Fangen and Martin Rafoss work with creating a larger degree of user influence in health services.
We experience consultants must work nationally to strengthen each other. There are common challenges here. I recognise the challenges the others have faced.

As part of the modernisation project at Sørlandet Hospital, they are systematising experiential competence. This involves involving users and creating processes, with or without digital tools, based on user feedback.

In 2019, Sørlandet Hospital started a quality and modernisation project with the aim of coordinating voluntary work and user involvement at the hospital. In this webinar, we take a closer look at the sub-project ‘Use the User’.

The aim is to develop more personalised treatment and follow-up in the specialist health service. The work has focussed on the needs of users and the client's desire to bring out a clear user voice. Use the User is of the opinion that experiential expertise together with professional expertise will provide users with a stronger offering.

Presentation by user experience advisor Kim Fangen and advisor Martin Rafoss at Sørlandet hospital.


You can download the podcast to your mobile on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or Podbean. Search for ‘Norwegian Centre for E-health Research’.