
19 municipalities now use Helseplattformen. How has this changed medication mangement?

Helseplattformen provides municipalities with an increased degree of standardisation and decision support. They also have a common medication list, for better or worse. How has medication management changed?

Webinar: A project making major changes
Astrid Hageler og Janne Sund holder en presentasjon om hvordan Helseplattformen er en gylden anledning til å forbedre prosesser for legemiddelhåndtering i kommunene.
A new EHR solution is a good opportunity to improve our processes, but is not the premise for how we should work. It's a demanding journey. It's a complex solution that offers great opportunities, but it will take time to optimise.

It's been a long process, but Helseplattformen is now active in 19 municipalities in central Norway. The home care service in Ålesund reports that they spend more time with their patients when documentation can take place while the staff are still at home with the patient.

In this webinar, we will focus on changes in medication management in the municipal health service. What does the new EHR solution mean for...?

  • Shared medication lists
  • Quality control
  • Practical medication management
  • Multi-dose
  • Decision support

The benefits of a shared health record in the region will be illustrated through practical examples.

Presentation by Astrid Gilje Hageler, municipal pharmacist in Trondheim, and Janne Kutschera Sund, director of medications in Helseplattformen.


You can download the podcast to your mobile on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or Podbean. Search for ‘Norwegian Centre for E-health Research’.