
Asbjørn Johansen Fagerlund


Asbjørn J. Fagerlund er forsker ved Nasjonalt senter for e-helseforskning i avdeling for helhetlige pasientforløp. Han har jobbet ved senteret siden 2017. Utdanningsbakgrunn som psykolog, og har vedlikeholdt interessen for klinisk psykologi. Doktorgrad i non-invasiv hjernestimulering, og de fleste forskningsinteresser kretser rundt hvordan teknologi kan anvendes til å forbedre helse- og helsetjenester.

Nylige forskningsaktiviteter har omhandlet implementeringsforskning på større EPJ-systemer, digitale innbyggertjenester- spesielt elektronisk innsyn i pasientjournal og brukersentert design for å utvikle beslutningsstøtte for kronisk smerte.

Asbjørns prosjekter
Prosjekttittel År Tema Prosjektledelse
Sosial, digital kontakt 2016 - 2018 Innbyggertjenester
Asbjørn Johansen Fagerlund
Nytteeffektene av digitale helsetjenester 2017 - 2018 Innbyggertjenester
Paolo Zanaboni
Persontilpasset beslutningsstøtte for pasienter med kroniske smerter 2019 - 2023 Helsedata
Johan Gustav Bellika
Innsyn i journal 2019 - 2021 Innbyggertjenester
Eli Kristiansen
Samisk innsyn - Bruk og opplevelse av elektronisk kommunikasjon i psykisk helsevern for samisk befolkning 2020 - 2020 Innbyggertjenester
Eli Kristiansen Asbjørn Johansen Fagerlund
Psykisk innsyn - Innsyn i journal for pasienter i psykisk helsevern 2020 - 2022 Innbyggertjenester
Paolo Zanaboni Eli Kristiansen
Design, implementering og evaluering av helseinformasjonsteknologi i stor skala 2019 - 2023 Pasientforløp
Tjenester for helsepersonell
Kristian Malm-Nicolaisen
Implementering av tverr-organisatorisk EPJ-evaluering av plattformtilnærminger 2020 - 2023 Tjenester for helsepersonell
Asbjørn Johansen Fagerlund
Bedre bruk av kunstig intelligens i norsk spesialisthelsetjeneste 2021 - 2025 Pasientforløp
Tjenester for helsepersonell
Patient pathways
Services for health professionals
Gro-Hilde Severinsen
NORDeHEALTH – Nordisk e-helse for pasienter: Ytelsesmåling og utvikling for fremtiden 2021 - 2023 Innbyggertjenester
Monika Johansen Asbjørn Johansen Fagerlund
Utvikling, implementering og evaluering av storskala e-helseløsninger 2021 - 2025 Helsedata
Kristian Malm-Nicolaisen
RESPOND: Kulturelt tilpasset digital brukermedvirkerstøtte for unge samiske personer med depresjon 2024 - 2024 Innbyggertjenester
Bo Wang
Asbjørns publikasjoner i Cristin
Tittel År Kategori
Experiences from patients in mental healthcare accessing their electronic health records: a comparison between Estonia, Finland, Norway, and Sweden 2024 Academic lecture
Open notes in psychotherapy: An exploratory mixed methods survey of psychotherapy students in Switzerland 2024 Academic article
NORDeHEALTH – Learning from the Nordic Experiences of Patient Online Record Access 2024 Academic article
Benchmarking usability of patient portals in Estonia, Finland, Norway, and Sweden 2023 Academic article
Did granting patients access to the electronic health records change the writing of clinicians? 2023 Poster
The Knowledge of Implementation Strategies: Impact of the Installed Base 2023 Academic article
Exploring the Emergence of Open Platforms in Healthcare: Design Considerations and Experiences from an Initial Case in Norwegian Primary Care 2023 Academic article
Strukturerte helsedata – frustrerende eller nyttig?Strukturerte helsedata – frustrerende eller nyttig? 2023 Feature article
Patients’ Experiences of a National Patient Portal and Its Usability: Cross-Sectional Survey Study 2023 Academic article
Errors, Omissions, and Offenses in the Health Record of Mental Health Care Patients: Results from a Nationwide Survey in Sweden 2023 Academic article
Users' Experiences With Online Access to Electronic Health Records in Mental and Somatic Health Care: Cross-Sectional Study 2023 Academic article
The NORDeHEALTH 2022 Patient Survey: Cross-Sectional Study of National Patient Portal Users in Norway, Sweden, Finland, and Estonia 2023 Academic article
Patients’ online access to psychiatric records: Providers’ experiences 2022 Abstract
Elektronisk innsyn i journal for pasienter – erfaringer fra innføringen fra 2015 og etterpå. 2022 Academic lecture
Measuring Perceptions of Openness in Health Information Technology Platforms Results from Pilot Testing Proposed Survey Framework 2022 Academic lecture
Measuring Perceptions of Openness in Health Information Technology Platforms Results from Pilot Testing Proposed Survey Framework 2022 Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Impact on patient-provider relationship and documentation practices when mental health patients access their electronic health records online: a qualitative study among health professionals in an outpatient setting 2022 Academic article
Elektronisk innsyn i journal hjelper samer i møte med psykisk helsevern 2022 Interview
BUP Tromsø bruker digitale hjelpemidler i behandlingen. 2022 Interview
Psykologhjelp over nett gjør at ungdommer får raskere hjelp 2022 Interview
Experiences from using patient accessible electronic health records -a qualitative study within Sámi mental health patients in Norway 2022 Academic article
How does users of modern EHR perceive the usability, user resistance and productivity five years or more after implementation? 2022 Academic article
How Do Users of Modern EHR Perceive the Usability, User Resistance and Productivity Five Years or More After Implementation? 2021 Academic lecture
How to Retain Participants in User-centered Design? Towards Recommendations for Minimizing Dropouts 2021 Poster
«Journalen min er ingen kladdebok for behandlere» 2021 Interview
Elektronisk innsyn i journal for pasienter i psykisk helsevern: Helsepersonells erfaringer 2021 Academic article
Machine Learning in Chronic Pain Research: A Scoping Review 2021 Academic literature review
Digital meetings sped up app development 2021 Interview
Digitale møter fikk fart på utvikling av helseapp 2021 Interview
Samisk innsyn i pasientjournal 2020 Academic lecture
Elektronisk innsyn i pasientjournal - erfaringer fra helsepersonell og pasienter 2020 Lecture
User-centred Design with a Remote Approach: Experiences from the Chronic Pain Project 2020 Academic lecture
Pasienter opplever bedre behandling med digital legetime 2020 Interview
Pasientenes erfaringer med digital fastlegekommunikasjon 2020 Interview
User-Centred Design with a Remote Approach: Experiences from the Chronic Pain Project 2020 Academic article
User-centred Design of a Mobile Application for Chronic Pain Management 2020 Academic lecture
Patients’ use and experiences with e-consultation and other digital health services with their general practitioner in Norway: results from an online survey 2020 Academic article
User-Centred Design of a Mobile Application for Chronic Pain Management 2020 Academic article
The association between health information seeking on the internet and physician visits (The Seventh Tromsø Study - Part 4): Population-based questionnaire study 2020 Academic article
Online contact with the doctor’s office shortens the patient queue 2019 Interview
Open or Closed: Investigating two different EHR platform approaches 2019 Academic lecture
Open or Closed: A project proposal for investigating two different EHR platform approaches 2019 Article in business/trade/industry journal
Sosial digital kontakt – et år etter. Mobilisering mot ensomhet blant eldre. 2019 Briefs
Nettkontakt med legekontoret korter ned pasientkøen Online contact with the doctor’s office shortens the patient queue 2019 Interview
Blame it on the weather? The association between pain in fibromyalgia, relative humidity, temperature and barometric pressure 2019 Academic article
Sosial digital kontakt - et år etter. Mobilisering mot ensomhet blant eldre 2019 Report
General practitioners’ perceptions towards the use of digital health services for citizens in primary care: a qualitative interview study 2019 Academic article
Eldre og teknologi: Å få hjelp fra familien er ofte ikke den beste løsningen 2018 Interview
Kontakt legekontoret—fastlegens erfaringer 2018 Briefs
E-konsultasjon—fastlegens erfaringer 2018 Briefs
Forny resept—fastlegens erfaringer 2018 Briefs
Elektronisk timebestilling—fastlegens erfaringer 2018 Briefs
Digital dialog—pasientenes erfaringer 2018 Briefs
Sosial digital kontakt - Mobilisering mot ensomhet blant eldre 2018 Report
No effect of 2mA anodal tDCS over the M1 on performance and practice effect on Grooved Pegboard Test and Trail Making Test B 2015 Academic article
tDCS for clinical use. Let’s not throw the baby out with the bath water 2015 Website (informational material)
Transcranial direct current stimulation as a treatment for patients with fibromyalgia: a randomized controlled trial 2015 Academic article
The effect of transcranial direct current stimulation on experimentally induced heat pain 2014 Academic article
Transkranial likestrømsstimulering ved kroniske smerter 2013 Academic literature review
Transcranial direct current stimulation – en behandlingsmetode ved depresjon og Alzheimers sykdom også i Norge? 2013 Academic literature review
The short-term effect of single-session transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) on heat pain intensity in healthy subjects 2012 Poster
Asbjørns prosjektrapporter
Rapportnr. Tittel Forfatter(e)
2019 02 Sosial digital kontakt – et år etter Asbjørn Johansen Fagerlund, Inger Marie Holm
2018 02 Sosial digital kontakt Asbjørn Johansen Fagerlund, Inger Marie Holm
Asbjørns faktaark
Faktaark nr Tittel Kontaktperson(er)
2021 01 Pasienter opplever bedre behandling med digital legetime Paolo Zanaboni Asbjørn Johansen Fagerlund
2019 02 Sosial digital kontakt – et år etter Asbjørn Johansen Fagerlund
2018 07 Kontakt legekontoret—fastlegens erfaringer, resultater av intervju Asbjørn Johansen Fagerlund Paolo Zanaboni
2018 06 E-konsultasjon—fastlegens erfaringer, resultater av intervju Asbjørn Johansen Fagerlund Paolo Zanaboni
2018 05 Forny resept—fastlegens erfaringer, resultater av intervju Asbjørn Johansen Fagerlund Paolo Zanaboni
2018 04 Elektronisk timebestilling—fastlegens erfaringer, resultater av intervju Asbjørn Johansen Fagerlund Paolo Zanaboni
2018 02 Digital dialog—pasientenes erfaringer, resultater av spørreundersøkelse Paolo Zanaboni Asbjørn Johansen Fagerlund
2016 01 Muligheter og utfordringer ved bruk av videokonsultasjoner i primærhelsetjenesten Paolo Zanaboni Asbjørn Johansen Fagerlund