Anne Torill Nordsletta
Anne Nordsletta is the department manager of Health Analytics. In this role, she is responsible for managing sustainable stakeholder relationships and providing strategic leadership for the Health Analytics team. In addition she is a member of the center management team. Anne has international expertise in analytics and business intelligence.
Prior to joining the Norwegian Centre for E-health Research, Anne has worked with analytics and business intelligence at hospitals, in commercial businesses and for the authorities, in both Norway and the US. Within healthcare Anne has previous experience from the University Hospital of North Norway, and from the Mayo Clinic Cancer Center and the Alliance for Clinic Trials in Oncology (Alliance), where she acted as project manager and business analyst and served as liaison between technical, business, research, and management teams.
Anne has earned an MBA from Saint Mary's University, Minneapolis, a degree in economics and resource management (Cand.Agric.) from the Norwegian University of Life Science. She has partly completed the management program at BI Norwegian School of Management and from the Educational Doctoral Degree in Leadership program offered at Saint Mary's University.