
Gro Berntsen


Dr. Gro Rosvold Berntsen, (MD, Dr.med. ) is a Professor at the Norwegian Centre for E-health Research. She has worked in the field of e-health since 2009. Berntsen researches technology-assisted quality assurance, patient pathways across care boundaries, integrated care and person-centred care for patients with complex and long-term needs. She was the research director at the Centre of Clinical Documentation and Evaluation, from 2005-2009, which was awarded a national role as a steward of national clinical registries in 2009. She has a PhD in osteoporosis epidemiology (2000) and was licensed as a medical doctor in 1994. She also holds a teaching position at the department of community medicine at UiT The Arctic University of Norway.

Gro's projects
Project title Year Theme Project management
3P - Patients and professionals in partnership 2015 - 2021 Patient pathways
Gro Berntsen Undine Knarvik Lene Steen Lindseth
PACT I and II 2015 - 2021 Patient pathways
Gro Berntsen
Economic evaluation of the PAtient Centered Team (PACT) 2015 - 2023 Patient pathways
Trine Strand Bergmo
Data Driven Decision Support for Clinical Information Systems 2014 - 2017 Health data
Stein Olav Skrøvseth
DigiValue – Digitally supported ValueCreating Person-centered, Integrated and proactive health services 2016 - 2017 Patient pathways
Gunn Hilde Rotvold
Coordination for continuity of care in hospitals: ideals and practices 2012 - 2017 Patient pathways
M&eHealth 2017 - 2018 Patient pathways
Gunn Hilde Rotvold
Collaboration between patients and health professionals - pre research project 2016 - 2016 Patient pathways
Gunn Hilde Rotvold
Dignity Care: Person-centered care supported by digital tools 2020 - 2026 Citizen services
Gro Berntsen
Nasjonalt læringsnettverk for gode pasientforløp for kronisk syke og eldre 2019 - 2020 Pasientforløp
Gro Berntsen
The Patient Centered Team (PACT) intervention - How does it work and for whom? 2021 - 2023 Patient pathways
Gro Berntsen
Use of e-health in Norwegian primary health care during the Covid-19 pandemic 2021 - 2021 Citizen services
Identification of multimorbid patients with impactable risk profiles using artificial intelligence, the IM-PACT method 2021 - 2023 Pasientforløp
Gro Berntsen Maryam Tayefi Nasrabadi
Gro's publications in Cristin
Title Year Category
Validity of the Johns Hopkins Adjusted Clinical Groups system on the utilisation of healthcare services in Norway: a retrospective cross-sectional study 2024 Academic article
From fragments to overview – Challenges of gathering electronic health data to provide integrated care 2024 Academic lecture
A digital tool to support physicians in understanding the situation of a patient with a complex healthcare history 2024 Poster
Trenger leger til å teste dataverktøy som kan spare tid, penger og pasientens helse 2024 Interview
The end of the One-Size-Fits -All health system 2024 Lecture
En tjeneste i endring 2024 Lecture
Five principles for the development of minimally disruptive digital medicine 2023 Editorial
Erik (65) er for komplisert for helsetjenesten 2023 Interview
Hadde «flaks» som en del av behandlingen 2023 Interview
Karrierevei: Pårørende 2023 Interview
The DigiTeam tool 2023 Lecture
Digital support for a Person Centered Care system 2023 Lecture
Risiko - Ulike perspektiv på risiko I komplekse forløp 2023 Lecture
On the path to healing -A qualitative longitudinal study of colorectal cancer patients’ accounts of trajectories to healing in Norway. 2023 Doctoral dissertation
How to Represent the Patient Voice in the Electronic Health Record? 2023 Academic article
Sjelden interesse for de sjeldne 2022 Interview
Diskriminering en årsak til at helsetjenester ikke fungerer 2022 Interview
Trenger flere fastleger og verktøy for koordinering 2022 Interview
Vil lage e-verktøy som forenkler pasientens liv 2022 Interview
Skygger suksess-prosjekt for å revolusjonere pasientjournalen 2022 Interview
Om pasienter med store og sammensatte behov og Tjenesteinnovasjon 2022 Academic lecture
Hva sier forskning: Helsepersonellbelastning ved bruk av IKT 2022 Academic lecture
Reaching for the Quadruple Aim–How to design effective whole system health service improvement? 2022 Abstract
Person-centered care (PCC): the people's perspective 2022 Short communication
Person-Centred Care Systems: From Theory to Practice (White Paper) 2022 Report
Person-centred care - from theory to practice 2022 Lecture
Person-centred care - from theory to practice 2022 Academic lecture
Personsentrerte helsetjenester – hvordan og hvorfor får vi det til? 2022 Lecture
Fra fragmentert til helhetlige helsetjenestesystem 2022 Lecture
Person-centred care - from theory to practice 2022 Academic lecture
Dignity Care, en introduksjon 2022 Lecture
Person-centred care - and its principles 2022 Lecture
A Privacy-Preserving Audit and Feedback System for the Antibiotic Prescribing of General Practitioners: Survey Study 2022 Academic article
-Sammen kan vi få til det meste! 2022 Feature article
Sammen kan vi få til det meste 2022 Feature article
Gode pasientforløp - en midtveisevaluering 2021 Report
Personfokusert behandling hjelper skrøpelige eldre – slik gjør de det i Tromsø 2021 Interview
WHO report highlights innovation in Norwegian primary health care 2021 Interview
Use of Ehealth Tools in Primary Health Care during the Covid-19 Pandemic 2021 Report
Rapporterte om digitale verktøy og pandemi til WHO 2021 Interview
User-centred Design of a Digital Care Plan for Patients and Professionals in Cross-organisational Teams 2021 Academic lecture
User-centred Design of a Digital Care Plan for Patients and Professionals in Cross-organisational Teams 2021 Academic article
Preservation of person-centered care through videoconferencing for patient follow-up during the covid-19 pandemic:case study of a multidisciplinary care team 2021 Academic article
Adopt, adapt, or abandon technologysupported person-centred care initiatives: healthcare providers’ beliefs matter 2021 Academic article
Reaching for the Quadruple Aim – How to design effective whole system health service improvement? (Workshop) 2020 Academic lecture
«Sløyfa» – en metode for analyse av risiko i klinisk arbeid i grenseflaten mellom spesialisthelsetjenesten og kommunehelsetjenesten. En egenevaluering av implementeringen i klinisk praksis 2020 Article in business/trade/industry journal
Mortality decreased among sick elderly patients after better coordination of health services 2020 Interview
How to Enhance Digital Support for Cross-Organisational Health Care Teams? A User-Based Explorative Study 2020 Academic article
Medical pluralism in the aftermath of cancer: health seeking actions and cancer patients’ shaping of trajectories to healing 2020 Academic article
Flere pasienter lever bedre med nytt tilbud 2020 Interview
Nytt tilbud halverte dødeligheten til multisyke eldre: – De har berget livet mitt 2019 Interview
Do Positivist Assumptions Hold True In Complex Interventions? 2019 Academic lecture
Hvordan personlige mål til innbyggere med kroniske sykdommer defineres og overvåkes ved hjelp av IKT. Resulter fra en scoping review. 2019 Academic lecture
Person-centred, integrated and pro-active care for multi-morbid elderly with advanced care needs: A propensity score-matched controlled trial 2019 Academic article
Digitale helsedata kan gi større ulikheter 2019 Editorial
Patient pathways as social drama: A qualitative study of cancer trajectories from the patient’s perspective 2019 Academic article
Do Positivist Assumptions Hold True In Complex Interventions? 2019 Poster
The Evidence Base for an Ideal Care Pathway for Frail Multimorbid Elderly: Combined Scoping and Systematic Intervention Review 2019 Academic literature review
Hvordan personlige mål hos personer med kroniske sykdommer kan formuleres og følges ved hjelp av informasjons- og kommunikasjonsteknologi? 2018 Academic lecture
“What matters to you?” A longitudinal qualitative study of Norwegian patients’ perspectives on their pathways with colorectal cancer 2018 Academic article
Engaging and empowering citizens with long-term conditions: How to define personal goals and how to support the goal achievement with technology? 2018 Academic lecture
Policies Make Coherent Care Pathways a Personal Responsibility for Clinicians: A Discourse Analysis of Policy Documents about Coordinators in Hospitals 2018 Academic article
A person-centered integrated care quality framework, based on a qualitative study of patients' evaluation of care in light of chronic care ideals 2018 Academic article
Keeping one step ahead: A qualitative study among Norwegian health-care providers in hospitals involved in care coordination for patients with complex needs 2018 Academic article
Towards Practical Privacy-Preserving Distributed Statistical Computation of Health Data 2017 Doctoral dissertation
Transforming Care Towars a Culture of Person-Centeredness:Practical approaches 2017 Lecture
VerDig II – Verdiskapende Digitale samhandlingsløsninger i Pasientens helsetjeneste. Den planlagte og proaktive helsetjenesten. 2017 Lecture
VerDig I – Verdiskapende Digital samhandling i pasientens helsetjeneste. Aksjonsforskning for helhetlige pasientforløp 2017 Poster
OPTimized eHealth for Individuals with Multi-morbidity And Long-Term needs - OPTIMAL 2017 Poster
Person-centered care (PCC) - what is it really? 2017 Poster
Empowering patients with longterm conditions by supporting development of e-personal goals 2017 Short communication
Person-centered, cross organizational and multiprofessional team halves mortality risk. The PAtient Centered Care Team (PACT) Study – Preliminary results from a comparative effectiveness study 2017 Abstract
The Epital Care Model: A New Person-Centered Model of Technology-Enabled Integrated Care for People With Long Term Conditions 2017 Academic article
Hvordan best behandle de med flere alvorlige sykdommer? 2017 Interview
Pasientforløp og behandlingsbehov sett fra pasienters perspektiv 2017 Article in business/trade/industry journal
Pasientforløp og behandlingsbehov sett fra pasienters perspektiv 2017 Article in business/trade/industry journal
Et verdibasert, digitalt støttet, personsentrert omsorgssystem - Nasjonale og internasjonale trenderA Value-based, Digitally Supported,Person-centred Care System: National and International trends 2016 Briefs
Forskningsprotokoll -VerDig Verdiskapende Digitale Samhandlingsløsninger for Pasientens helsetjeneste 2016 Report
The balancing act. A study of coordination work in hospitals 2016 Poster
"My cancer is not my deepest concern": life course disruption influencing patient pathways  and health care needs among persons living with  colorectal cancer 2016 Academic article
Ny teknologi gir ny pasientrolle 2015 Editorial
How do we deal with multiple goals for care within an individual patient trajectory? A document content analysis of health service research papers on goals for care 2015 Academic literature review
Understanding patient pathways and health care needs among persons living with colorectal cancer 2015 Poster
Effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of the PAtient-Centred Team (PACT) model: protocol of a prospective matched control before and after study 2015 Academic article
Three new coordinator roles in Norwegian specialized health care – a policy-document analysis 2015 Academic lecture
Mapping the risk perception and communication gap between different professionals of healthcare providers in cancer care: a cross-sectional protocol 2015 Academic article
The Chronic Care Model and technological research and innovation: A scoping review at the crossroad 2015 Academic article
Person-centered coordination in hospitals: A review at the crossroads of research and policy 2015 Academic lecture
Patients Judgment of Their Trajectories 2014 Abstract
Cancer patients' stories about CAM-use. CAM in cancer patietns' ongoing work to create as good a life as possible during illness and treatment 2014 Academic lecture
Development of a survey and a web tool to bridge the communication gap between different professionals of health care providers and patients in cancer care 2014 Poster
Associations between primary healthcare and unplanned medical admissions in Norway: A multilevel analysis of the entire elderly population 2014 Academic article
Developing methods to capture the patient pathways experienc 2013 Poster
Giving patients a voice - Patient evaluation of PAtients TrAjectories – The PasTAs protocol 2013 Poster
The Snow system – a distributed medical data processing system 2013 Academic lecture
Electronic Messaging in Primary Care – Reporting from an Implementation and Evaluation Project in Northern Norway 2013 Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Work division between primary and secondary care - effect on mortality 2012 Academic lecture
Electronic Symptom Reporting Between Patient and Provider for Improved Health Care Service Quality: A Systematic Review of Randomized Controlled Trials. Part 2: Methodological Quality and Effects 2012 Academic literature review
Electronic Symptom Reporting Between Patient and Provider for Improved Health Care Service Quality: A Systematic Review of Randomized Controlled Trials. Part 1: State of the Art 2012 Academic literature review
Standards for reporting randomized controlled trials in medical informatics: a systematic review of CONSORT adherence in RCTs on clinical decision support 2012 Academic literature review
Ehealth systems and information needs of physicians 2012 Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Electronic Symptom Reporting by Patients: A Literature Review 2011 Academic literature review
The Snow disease surveillance system study 2011 Poster
Do GPs need online access to epidemiological data of communicable diseases from the local patient population? 2011 Poster
Kvinnene leder an i forskning på alternativ behandling 2011 Interview
An Exploratory Study of Patient Attitudes towards Symptom Reporting in a Primary Care Setting Benefits for Medical Consultation and Syndromic Surveillance? 2011 Academic article
Serum level of under-carboxylated osteocalcin and bone mineral density in early menopausal Norwegian women 2011 Academic article
Does long-term care use within primary health care reduce hospital use among older people in Norway? A national five-year population-based observational study 2011 Academic article
Understanding cancer patients' pathways of care 2010 Academic lecture
Current concepts of patient centeredness in health service quality research 2010 Poster
Bone loss and the risk of non-vertebral fractures in women and men: the Tromsø study 2010 Academic article
Vitamin K2 supplementation does not infuence bone loss in early menopausal women: a randomised double-blind placebo-controlled trial 2010 Academic article
Bone mineral density at the hip in Norwegian women and men. Prevalence of osteoporosis depends on chosen references. The Tromso Study 2009 Abstract
Lifestyle impact on lifetime bone loss in women and men. The Tromso Study 2009 Abstract
Self-reported diseases and the risk of non-vertebral fractures: the Tromsø study 2009 Errata
Features of the metabolic syndrome and the risk of non-vertebral fractures: The Tromsø Study 2009 Errata
Carotid Plaque Echogenicity and Risk of Nonvertebral Fractures in Women: A Longitudinal Population-Based Study (vol 79, pg 207, 2006) 2009 Errata
Lifestyle Impact on Lifetime Bone Loss in Women and Men 2009 Academic article
Bone mineral density at the hip in Norwegian women and men-prevalence of osteoporosis depends on chosen references: the Tromso Study 2009 Academic article
Vitamin K2 supplementation does not influence bone loss in early menopausal women: a randomised double-blind placebo-controlled trial 2009 Academic article
Differences in precision in bone mineral density measured by SXA and DXA: the NOREPOS study 2008 Academic article
In vivo and in vitro comparison of densitometers in the NOREPOS study 2008 Academic article
A prospective study of sex steroids, sex hormone-binding globulin and non-vertebral fractures in women and men: the Tromso study 2007 Abstract
In vivo and in vitro comparison of DXA scanners 2007 Abstract
A prospective study of sex steroids, sex hormone-binding globulin, and non-vertebral fractures in women and men: the Tromso Study 2007 Academic article
Circulating sex steroids, sex Hormone-binding globulin, and longitudinal changes in forearm bone mineral density in postmenopausal women and men: The tromso study 2007 Academic article
Nasjonalt kvalitetsregister for ryggkirurgi, bakgrunn og fremdrift 2006 Abstract
Diabetes mellitus and the risk of non-vertebral fractures: the Tromso study 2006 Academic article
Self-reported diseases and the risk of non-vertebral fractures: the Tromsø study 2006 Academic article
Features of the metabolic syndrome and the risk of non-vertebral fractures: The Tromso study 2006 Academic article
Umbilical vein constriction at the umbilical ring: a longitudinal study 2006 Academic article
Longitudinal changes in forearm bone mineral density in women and men aged 45-84 years: The tromso study, a population-based study 2006 Academic article
Seasonal variation of estradiol, follicle stimulating hormone, and dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate in women and men 2006 Academic article
Carotid plaque echogenicity and risk of nonvertebral fractures in women: A longitudinal population-based study 2006 Academic article
Validation of the Cummings' risk score; how well does it identify women with high risk of hip fracture: The Tromsø Study 2006 Academic article
Reference ranges for umbilical vein blood flow in the second half of pregnancy based on longitudinal data 2005 Academic article
Doppler-derived umbilical artery absolute velocities and their relationship to fetoplacental volume blood flow: a longitudinal study 2005 Academic article
Reference ranges for serial measurements of blood velocity and pulsatility index at the intra-abdominal portion, and fetal and placental ends of the umbilical artery 2005 Academic article
Reference ranges for serial measurements of umbilical artery Doppler indices in the second half of pregnancy 2005 Academic article
Long-term mental distress, bone mineral density and non-vertebral fractures. The Tromso Study 2005 Academic article
Bone mineral density measures in longitudinal studies: The choice of phantom is crucial fo quality assesment. The Tromsø study, a population-based study 2005 Academic article
Longitudinal changes in forearm bone mineral density in women and men aged 25-44 years 2005 Academic article
Long-term mental distress, bone mineral density and non-vertebral fractures. The Tromsø Study 2005 Academic article
P07.13 Reference ranges for umbilical vein blood flow in the second half of pregnancy based on longitudinal data 2004 Abstract
P07.14 Reference ranges for serial measurements of umbilical artery Doppler indices in the second half of pregnancy 2004 Abstract
Diabetes mellitus and the risk of non-vertebral fractures 2004 Abstract
Is the risk of non-vertebral fracture associated with type I diabetes gender specific? 2004 Abstract
Low bone mineral density is related to echogenic carotid artery plaques: a population-based study 2004 Academic article
A population-based study of the prevalence of abdominal aortic aneurysms in relation to bone mineral density - The Tromso Study 2004 Academic article
Endogenous Sex Hormones in Relation to Age, Sex, Lifestyle Factors, and Chronic Diseases in a General Population: The Tromsø Study 2004 Academic article
Low bone mineral density is related to echogenic carotid artery plaques: A population-based study 2004 Academic article
Higher bone mineral density in rural compared with urban dwellers 2004 Academic article
Er det forskjeller i forekomst av underarmsbrudd mellom by og land i Norge? Data fra CONOR 2003 Academic lecture
The Tromsø Study: Mental distress and non-vertebral fractures. Oral presentation 2002 Academic lecture
Bone mineral density in different regions of Norway. The NOREPOS Study 2002 Poster
Bone mineral density in different regions of Norway, The NOREPOS study 2002 Poster
Forearm bone mineral density by age in 7620 men and women. The Tromsø Study, a population-based study 2001 Academic article
Knowledge, attitudes, and selfreported use 2001 Academic article
Hormone replacement therapy: Knowledge, attitudes, self-reported use - and sales figures in Nordic women 2000 Academic article
The Tromsø Study: Prevalence of osteporosis in a general population 2000 Academic lecture
The Tromsø Study: Forearm bone mineral density by age and sex in a general population 2000 Academic lecture
The Tromsø Study: Determinants of precision in bone densitometry 2000 Academic article
Gro's project reports
Report no. Title Author(s)
2024 01 Evaluering av samarbeid med Pasient-sentrert Helsetjenesteteam (PSHT) Espen Nordheim, Gro Berntsen
2021 04 Gode pasientforløp - en midtveisevaluering Espen Nordheim, Kari Dyb, Gro Berntsen
2016 09 Forskningsprotokoll –VerDig Gro Berntsen, Gunn Hilde Rotvold, Rune Pedersen, Johan Gustav Bellika, Kristian Malm-Nicolaisen, Strisland F, Reitan J, Røhne M, Fensli R, Normann T.
NST-rapport 2014 07 Helsetjenesten sett fra pasientens ståsted Gro Berntsen, Audhild Høyem, Deede Gammon
Gro's fact sheets
Fact sheet no Title Contact
2021 06 Improved coordination of health services Gro Berntsen
2016 06 A Value-based, Digitally Supported, Person-centred Care System - National and International Trends Gro Berntsen
Gro's posters
Poster no. Title Author(s) Size
2017 17 OPTimized eHealth for Individuals with Multi-morbidity And Long-term needs – OPTIMAL Gro Berntsen A0
Gro's presentations
Date Title Event Author(s)
2022.08.05 Dignity Care - Digitally supported Person Centred Care Systems Gro Berntsen, Aslak Steinsbekk, Gro-Hilde Severinsen, Line Silsand, Espen Nordheim, Torbjørn Torsvik, Rune Pedersen, Omid Saadatfard, Anders Grimsmo, Line Melbye, PSHT
2018.11.12 Verdiskapende Digitalt støttede samhandlingstjenester – hva er det? Forskning på Helseplattformen: Workshop 12. nov 2018 Gro Berntsen
2017.05.11 VerDig II - Verdiskapende Digitale samhandlingsløsninger i pasientens helsetjeneste Søkekonferansen Gro Berntsen, Paolo Zanaboni, Gunn Hilde Rotvold, Anne Torill Nordsletta, et al.