Validity of the Johns Hopkins Adjusted Clinical Groups system on the utilisation of healthcare services in Norway: a retrospective cross-sectional study |
2024 |
Academic article |
From fragments to overview – Challenges of gathering electronic health data to provide integrated care |
2024 |
Academic lecture |
A digital tool to support physicians in understanding the situation of a patient with a complex healthcare history |
2024 |
Poster |
Trenger leger til å teste dataverktøy som kan spare tid, penger og pasientens helse |
2024 |
Interview |
The end of the One-Size-Fits -All health system |
2024 |
Lecture |
En tjeneste i endring |
2024 |
Lecture |
Five principles for the development of minimally disruptive digital medicine |
2023 |
Editorial |
Erik (65) er for komplisert for helsetjenesten |
2023 |
Interview |
Hadde «flaks» som en del av behandlingen |
2023 |
Interview |
Karrierevei: Pårørende |
2023 |
Interview |
The DigiTeam tool |
2023 |
Lecture |
Digital support for a Person Centered Care system |
2023 |
Lecture |
Risiko - Ulike perspektiv på risiko I komplekse forløp |
2023 |
Lecture |
On the path to healing -A qualitative longitudinal study of colorectal cancer patients’ accounts of trajectories to healing in Norway. |
2023 |
Doctoral dissertation |
How to Represent the Patient Voice in the Electronic Health Record? |
2023 |
Academic article |
Sjelden interesse for de sjeldne |
2022 |
Interview |
Diskriminering en årsak til at helsetjenester ikke fungerer |
2022 |
Interview |
Trenger flere fastleger og verktøy for koordinering |
2022 |
Interview |
Vil lage e-verktøy som forenkler pasientens liv |
2022 |
Interview |
Skygger suksess-prosjekt for å revolusjonere pasientjournalen |
2022 |
Interview |
Om pasienter med store og sammensatte behov og Tjenesteinnovasjon |
2022 |
Academic lecture |
Hva sier forskning: Helsepersonellbelastning ved bruk av IKT |
2022 |
Academic lecture |
Reaching for the Quadruple Aim–How to design effective whole system health service improvement? |
2022 |
Abstract |
Person-centered care (PCC): the people's perspective |
2022 |
Short communication |
Person-Centred Care Systems: From Theory to Practice (White Paper) |
2022 |
Report |
Person-centred care - from theory to practice |
2022 |
Lecture |
Person-centred care - from theory to practice |
2022 |
Academic lecture |
Personsentrerte helsetjenester – hvordan og hvorfor får vi det til? |
2022 |
Lecture |
Fra fragmentert til helhetlige helsetjenestesystem |
2022 |
Lecture |
Person-centred care - from theory to practice |
2022 |
Academic lecture |
Dignity Care, en introduksjon |
2022 |
Lecture |
Person-centred care - and its principles |
2022 |
Lecture |
A Privacy-Preserving Audit and Feedback System for the Antibiotic Prescribing of General Practitioners: Survey Study |
2022 |
Academic article |
-Sammen kan vi få til det meste! |
2022 |
Feature article |
Sammen kan vi få til det meste |
2022 |
Feature article |
Gode pasientforløp - en midtveisevaluering |
2021 |
Report |
Personfokusert behandling hjelper skrøpelige eldre – slik gjør de det i Tromsø
2021 |
Interview |
WHO report highlights innovation in Norwegian primary health care |
2021 |
Interview |
Use of Ehealth Tools in Primary Health Care during the Covid-19 Pandemic |
2021 |
Report |
Rapporterte om digitale verktøy og pandemi til WHO
2021 |
Interview |
User-centred Design of a Digital Care Plan for Patients and Professionals in Cross-organisational Teams |
2021 |
Academic lecture |
User-centred Design of a Digital Care Plan for Patients and Professionals in Cross-organisational Teams |
2021 |
Academic article |
Preservation of person-centered care through videoconferencing for patient follow-up during the covid-19 pandemic:case study of a multidisciplinary care team |
2021 |
Academic article |
Adopt, adapt, or abandon technologysupported person-centred care initiatives: healthcare providers’ beliefs matter |
2021 |
Academic article |
Reaching for the Quadruple Aim – How to design effective whole system health service improvement? (Workshop) |
2020 |
Academic lecture |
«Sløyfa» – en metode for analyse av risiko i
klinisk arbeid i grenseflaten mellom
spesialisthelsetjenesten og
kommunehelsetjenesten. En egenevaluering av implementeringen i klinisk praksis |
2020 |
Article in business/trade/industry journal |
Mortality decreased among sick elderly patients after better coordination of health services
2020 |
Interview |
How to Enhance Digital Support for Cross-Organisational Health Care Teams? A User-Based Explorative Study |
2020 |
Academic article |
Medical pluralism in the aftermath of cancer: health seeking actions and cancer patients’ shaping of trajectories to healing |
2020 |
Academic article |
Flere pasienter lever bedre med nytt tilbud
2020 |
Interview |
Nytt tilbud halverte dødeligheten til multisyke eldre: – De har berget livet mitt |
2019 |
Interview |
Do Positivist Assumptions Hold True In Complex Interventions? |
2019 |
Academic lecture |
Hvordan personlige mål til innbyggere med kroniske sykdommer defineres og overvåkes ved hjelp av IKT. Resulter fra en scoping review. |
2019 |
Academic lecture |
Person-centred, integrated and pro-active care for multi-morbid elderly with advanced care needs: A propensity score-matched controlled trial |
2019 |
Academic article |
Digitale helsedata kan gi større ulikheter |
2019 |
Editorial |
Patient pathways as social drama: A qualitative study of cancer trajectories from the patient’s perspective |
2019 |
Academic article |
Do Positivist Assumptions Hold True In Complex Interventions?
2019 |
Poster |
The Evidence Base for an Ideal Care Pathway for Frail Multimorbid Elderly: Combined Scoping and Systematic Intervention Review |
2019 |
Academic literature review |
Hvordan personlige mål hos personer med kroniske sykdommer kan formuleres og følges ved hjelp av informasjons- og kommunikasjonsteknologi? |
2018 |
Academic lecture |
“What matters to you?” A longitudinal qualitative study of Norwegian patients’ perspectives on their pathways with colorectal cancer |
2018 |
Academic article |
Engaging and empowering citizens with long-term conditions: How to define personal goals and how to support the goal achievement with technology? |
2018 |
Academic lecture |
Policies Make Coherent Care Pathways a Personal Responsibility for Clinicians: A Discourse Analysis of Policy Documents about Coordinators in Hospitals |
2018 |
Academic article |
A person-centered integrated care quality framework, based on a qualitative study of patients' evaluation of care in light of chronic care ideals |
2018 |
Academic article |
Keeping one step ahead: A qualitative study among Norwegian health-care providers in hospitals involved in care coordination for patients with complex needs |
2018 |
Academic article |
Towards Practical Privacy-Preserving Distributed Statistical Computation of Health Data |
2017 |
Doctoral dissertation |
Transforming Care Towars a Culture of Person-Centeredness:Practical approaches |
2017 |
Lecture |
VerDig II – Verdiskapende Digitale samhandlingsløsninger i Pasientens helsetjeneste. Den planlagte og proaktive helsetjenesten. |
2017 |
Lecture |
VerDig I – Verdiskapende Digital samhandling i pasientens helsetjeneste. Aksjonsforskning for helhetlige pasientforløp |
2017 |
Poster |
OPTimized eHealth for Individuals with Multi-morbidity And Long-Term needs - OPTIMAL |
2017 |
Poster |
Person-centered care (PCC) - what is it really? |
2017 |
Poster |
Empowering patients with longterm conditions by supporting development of e-personal goals |
2017 |
Short communication |
Person-centered, cross organizational and multiprofessional team halves mortality risk. The PAtient Centered Care Team (PACT) Study – Preliminary results from a comparative effectiveness study |
2017 |
Abstract |
The Epital Care Model: A New Person-Centered Model of Technology-Enabled Integrated Care for People With Long Term Conditions |
2017 |
Academic article |
Hvordan best behandle de med flere alvorlige sykdommer? |
2017 |
Interview |
Pasientforløp og behandlingsbehov sett fra pasienters perspektiv |
2017 |
Article in business/trade/industry journal |
Pasientforløp og behandlingsbehov sett fra pasienters perspektiv |
2017 |
Article in business/trade/industry journal |
Et verdibasert, digitalt støttet, personsentrert omsorgssystem - Nasjonale og internasjonale trenderA Value-based, Digitally Supported,Person-centred Care System: National and International trends
2016 |
Briefs |
Forskningsprotokoll -VerDig
Verdiskapende Digitale Samhandlingsløsninger for Pasientens helsetjeneste |
2016 |
Report |
The balancing act. A study of coordination work in hospitals |
2016 |
Poster |
"My cancer is not my deepest concern": life course disruption influencing patient pathways and health care needs among persons living with colorectal cancer
2016 |
Academic article |
Ny teknologi gir ny pasientrolle |
2015 |
Editorial |
How do we deal with multiple goals for care within an individual patient trajectory? A document content analysis of health service research papers on goals for care |
2015 |
Academic literature review |
Understanding patient pathways and health care needs among persons living with colorectal cancer |
2015 |
Poster |
Effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of the PAtient-Centred Team (PACT) model: protocol of a prospective matched control before and after study |
2015 |
Academic article |
Three new coordinator roles in Norwegian specialized health care – a policy-document analysis
2015 |
Academic lecture |
Mapping the risk perception and communication gap between different professionals of healthcare providers in cancer care: a cross-sectional protocol |
2015 |
Academic article |
The Chronic Care Model and technological research and innovation: A scoping review at the crossroad |
2015 |
Academic article |
Person-centered coordination in hospitals: A review at the crossroads of research and policy |
2015 |
Academic lecture |
Patients Judgment of Their Trajectories |
2014 |
Abstract |
Cancer patients' stories about CAM-use. CAM in cancer patietns' ongoing work to create as good a life as possible during illness and treatment |
2014 |
Academic lecture |
Development of a survey and a web tool to bridge the communication gap between different professionals of health care providers and patients in cancer care |
2014 |
Poster |
Associations between primary healthcare and unplanned medical admissions in Norway: A multilevel analysis of the entire elderly population |
2014 |
Academic article |
Developing methods to capture the patient pathways experienc |
2013 |
Poster |
Giving patients a voice - Patient evaluation of PAtients TrAjectories – The PasTAs protocol |
2013 |
Poster |
The Snow system – a distributed medical data processing system |
2013 |
Academic lecture |
Electronic Messaging in Primary Care – Reporting from an Implementation and Evaluation Project in Northern Norway |
2013 |
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper |
Work division between primary and secondary care - effect on mortality |
2012 |
Academic lecture |
Electronic Symptom Reporting Between Patient and Provider for Improved Health Care Service Quality: A Systematic Review of Randomized Controlled Trials. Part 2: Methodological Quality and Effects |
2012 |
Academic literature review |
Electronic Symptom Reporting Between Patient and Provider for Improved Health Care Service Quality: A Systematic Review of Randomized Controlled Trials. Part 1: State of the Art |
2012 |
Academic literature review |
Standards for reporting randomized controlled trials in medical informatics: a systematic review of CONSORT adherence in RCTs on clinical decision support |
2012 |
Academic literature review |
Ehealth systems and information needs of physicians |
2012 |
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper |
Electronic Symptom Reporting by Patients: A Literature Review |
2011 |
Academic literature review |
The Snow disease surveillance system study |
2011 |
Poster |
Do GPs need online access to epidemiological data of communicable diseases from the local patient population? |
2011 |
Poster |
Kvinnene leder an i forskning på alternativ behandling |
2011 |
Interview |
An Exploratory Study of Patient Attitudes towards Symptom Reporting in a Primary Care Setting Benefits for Medical Consultation and Syndromic Surveillance? |
2011 |
Academic article |
Serum level of under-carboxylated osteocalcin and bone mineral density in early menopausal Norwegian women |
2011 |
Academic article |
Does long-term care use within primary health care reduce hospital use among older people in Norway? A national five-year population-based observational study |
2011 |
Academic article |
Understanding cancer patients' pathways of care |
2010 |
Academic lecture |
Current concepts of patient centeredness in health service quality research |
2010 |
Poster |
Bone loss and the risk of non-vertebral fractures in women and men: the Tromsø study |
2010 |
Academic article |
Vitamin K2 supplementation does not infuence bone loss in early menopausal women: a randomised double-blind placebo-controlled trial |
2010 |
Academic article |
Bone mineral density at the hip in Norwegian women and men. Prevalence of osteoporosis depends on chosen references. The Tromso Study |
2009 |
Abstract |
Lifestyle impact on lifetime bone loss in women and men. The Tromso Study |
2009 |
Abstract |
Self-reported diseases and the risk of non-vertebral fractures: the Tromsø study |
2009 |
Errata |
Features of the metabolic syndrome and the risk of non-vertebral fractures: The Tromsø Study |
2009 |
Errata |
Carotid Plaque Echogenicity and Risk of Nonvertebral Fractures in Women: A Longitudinal Population-Based Study (vol 79, pg 207, 2006) |
2009 |
Errata |
Lifestyle Impact on Lifetime Bone Loss in Women and Men |
2009 |
Academic article |
Bone mineral density at the hip in Norwegian women and men-prevalence of osteoporosis depends on chosen references: the Tromso Study |
2009 |
Academic article |
Vitamin K2 supplementation does not influence bone loss in early menopausal women: a randomised double-blind placebo-controlled trial |
2009 |
Academic article |
Differences in precision in bone mineral density measured by SXA and DXA: the NOREPOS study |
2008 |
Academic article |
In vivo and in vitro comparison of densitometers in the NOREPOS study |
2008 |
Academic article |
A prospective study of sex steroids, sex hormone-binding globulin and non-vertebral fractures in women and men: the Tromso study |
2007 |
Abstract |
In vivo and in vitro comparison of DXA scanners |
2007 |
Abstract |
A prospective study of sex steroids, sex hormone-binding globulin, and non-vertebral fractures in women and men: the Tromso Study |
2007 |
Academic article |
Circulating sex steroids, sex Hormone-binding globulin, and longitudinal changes in forearm bone mineral density in postmenopausal women and men: The tromso study |
2007 |
Academic article |
Nasjonalt kvalitetsregister for ryggkirurgi, bakgrunn og fremdrift |
2006 |
Abstract |
Diabetes mellitus and the risk of non-vertebral fractures: the Tromso study |
2006 |
Academic article |
Self-reported diseases and the risk of non-vertebral fractures: the Tromsø study |
2006 |
Academic article |
Features of the metabolic syndrome and the risk of non-vertebral fractures: The Tromso study |
2006 |
Academic article |
Umbilical vein constriction at the umbilical ring: a longitudinal study |
2006 |
Academic article |
Longitudinal changes in forearm bone mineral density in women and men aged 45-84 years: The tromso study, a population-based study |
2006 |
Academic article |
Seasonal variation of estradiol, follicle stimulating hormone, and dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate in women and men |
2006 |
Academic article |
Carotid plaque echogenicity and risk of nonvertebral fractures in women: A longitudinal population-based study |
2006 |
Academic article |
Validation of the Cummings' risk score; how well does it identify women with high risk of hip fracture: The Tromsø Study |
2006 |
Academic article |
Reference ranges for umbilical vein blood flow in the second half of pregnancy based on longitudinal data |
2005 |
Academic article |
Doppler-derived umbilical artery absolute velocities and their relationship to fetoplacental volume blood flow: a longitudinal study |
2005 |
Academic article |
Reference ranges for serial measurements of blood velocity and pulsatility index at the intra-abdominal portion, and fetal and placental ends of the umbilical artery |
2005 |
Academic article |
Reference ranges for serial measurements of umbilical artery Doppler indices in the second half of pregnancy |
2005 |
Academic article |
Long-term mental distress, bone mineral density and non-vertebral fractures. The Tromso Study |
2005 |
Academic article |
Bone mineral density measures in longitudinal studies: The choice of phantom is crucial fo quality assesment. The Tromsø study, a population-based study |
2005 |
Academic article |
Longitudinal changes in forearm bone mineral density in women and men aged 25-44 years |
2005 |
Academic article |
Long-term mental distress, bone mineral density and non-vertebral fractures. The Tromsø Study |
2005 |
Academic article |
P07.13 Reference ranges for umbilical vein blood flow in the second half of pregnancy based on longitudinal data |
2004 |
Abstract |
P07.14 Reference ranges for serial measurements of umbilical artery Doppler indices in the second half of pregnancy |
2004 |
Abstract |
Diabetes mellitus and the risk of non-vertebral fractures |
2004 |
Abstract |
Is the risk of non-vertebral fracture associated with type I diabetes gender specific? |
2004 |
Abstract |
Low bone mineral density is related to echogenic carotid artery plaques: a population-based study |
2004 |
Academic article |
A population-based study of the prevalence of abdominal aortic aneurysms in relation to bone mineral density - The Tromso Study |
2004 |
Academic article |
Endogenous Sex Hormones in Relation to Age, Sex, Lifestyle Factors, and Chronic Diseases in a General Population: The Tromsø Study |
2004 |
Academic article |
Low bone mineral density is related to echogenic carotid artery plaques: A population-based study |
2004 |
Academic article |
Higher bone mineral density in rural compared with urban dwellers |
2004 |
Academic article |
Er det forskjeller i forekomst av underarmsbrudd mellom by og land i Norge? Data fra CONOR |
2003 |
Academic lecture |
The Tromsø Study: Mental distress and non-vertebral fractures. Oral presentation |
2002 |
Academic lecture |
Bone mineral density in different regions of Norway. The NOREPOS Study |
2002 |
Poster |
Bone mineral density in different regions of Norway, The NOREPOS study |
2002 |
Poster |
Forearm bone mineral density by age in 7620 men and women. The Tromsø Study, a population-based study |
2001 |
Academic article |
Knowledge, attitudes, and selfreported use |
2001 |
Academic article |
Hormone replacement therapy: Knowledge, attitudes, self-reported use - and sales figures in Nordic women |
2000 |
Academic article |
The Tromsø Study: Prevalence of osteporosis in a general population |
2000 |
Academic lecture |
The Tromsø Study: Forearm bone mineral density by age and sex in a general population |
2000 |
Academic lecture |
The Tromsø Study: Determinants of precision in bone densitometry |
2000 |
Academic article |