Does professional and interprofessional identity increase during professional education? A cross-sectional study of Norwegian health- and social care students |
2024 |
Academic article |
Validity of the Johns Hopkins Adjusted Clinical Groups system on the utilisation of healthcare services in Norway: a retrospective cross-sectional study |
2024 |
Academic article |
Fastlegers respons på et mestringsorientert behandlingskonsept (NOMED) |
2024 |
Popular scientific article |
From fragments to overview – Challenges of gathering electronic health data to provide integrated care |
2024 |
Academic lecture |
A digital tool to support physicians in understanding the situation of a patient with a complex healthcare history |
2024 |
Poster |
Politisk orientering om VRINK |
2024 |
Lecture |
E-teams og VRINK |
2024 |
Lecture |
VRINK- økt inkludering av personer i utenforskap- utprøving av VR som muliggjørende teknologi |
2024 |
Lecture |
Digital health: from pilotitis to pilotanic |
2024 |
Academic lecture |
Development of Recommendations for the Digital Sharing of Notes With Adolescents in Mental Health Care: Delphi Study |
2024 |
Academic article |
The Role of Chief Medical officers in making Public Health Overview Documents in Norwegian Municipalities. A qualitative Study |
2024 |
Academic article |
Healthcare professionals’ experiences of interdisciplinary collaboration in pain centres – A qualitative study |
2024 |
Academic article |
VRINK, Bruk av virtuell virkelighet for økt inkludering av barn og unge i utenforskap |
2024 |
Academic lecture |
Læringseffekt av desktop VR for å øve på overføring av pasientinformasjon før operasjon med ISBAR-metoden: en randomisert kontrollert studie |
2024 |
Poster |
Expectations towards involving social security service within a national care pathway for patients with chronic and complex pain conditions |
2023 |
Academic lecture |
E-teams og VRINK |
2023 |
Lecture |
E-teams og VRINK |
2023 |
Lecture |
Developing social insurance settings as a practice arena for medical students in Norway: A need for collaboration? |
2023 |
Academic lecture |
The effect of using desktop VR to practice preoperative handovers with the ISBAR approach: a randomized controlled trial |
2023 |
Academic article |
Planer for RCT |
2023 |
Lecture |
Association between Johns Hopkins Adjusted Clinical Groups risk scores and self-reported outcome measures: an observational study among individuals with complex or long-term conditions in Norway |
2023 |
Academic article |
Developing a virtual reality (VR) application for practicing the ABCDE approach for systematic clinical observation |
2023 |
Academic article |
Letter to the Editor Regarding the Article “What Aspects of Supervised Patient Encounters Affect Students’ Perception of Having an Excellent Learning Outcome? A Survey Among European Medical Students” [Response to Letter] |
2023 |
Letter to the editor |
Interest in using patient portals among adolescents in mental health care - a cross-sectional study |
2023 |
Academic article |
What Aspects of Supervised Patient Encounters Affect Students' Perception of Having an Excellent Learning Outcome? A Survey Among European Medical Students |
2023 |
Academic article |
Interest in and Experience with the Use of Patient Portals Among Adolescents in Mental Health Care |
2023 |
Poster |
Interest in and Experience with the Use of Patient Portals Among Adolescents in Mental Health Care |
2023 |
Academic article |
How to Represent the Patient Voice in the Electronic Health Record? |
2023 |
Academic article |
Interest in and Experience with the Use of Patient Portals Among Adolescents in Mental Health Care |
2023 |
Poster |
Identifying individuals with complex and long-term health-care needs using the Johns Hopkins Adjusted Clinical Groups System: A comparison of data from primary and specialist health care |
2023 |
Academic article |
Psychological safety in European medical students’ last supervised patient encounter: A cross-sectional survey |
2023 |
Academic article |
How Did People with Prediabetes Who Attended the Diabetes Prevention Education Program (DiPEP) Experience Making Lifestyle Changes? A Qualitative Study in Nepal |
2023 |
Academic literature review |
Labour market participation after spinal cord injury. A register-based cohort study |
2023 |
Academic article |
Views on patient portal use for adolescents in mental health care - a qualitative study |
2023 |
Academic article |
The perceived usability of desktop VR for practicing preoperative handovers using ISBAR among nursing students |
2023 |
Academic article |
Presenterte prototype av DigiTeam |
2022 |
Interview |
Hvordan differensiere basistilskudd til fastlegene? |
2022 |
Reader opinion piece |
Usability Evaluation of the Preoperative ISBAR (Identification, Situation, Background, Assessment, and Recommendation) Desktop Virtual Reality Application: Qualitative Observational Study |
2022 |
Academic article |
General practitioners’ experiences of being involved in local public health work in Norway. A qualitative study |
2022 |
Academic article |
Brukermedvirkning i forskning |
2022 |
Lecture |
Relevant vs non-relevant subspecialist for patients hospitalised in internal medicine at a local hospital: which is better? A retrospective cohort study |
2022 |
Academic article |
Digitalisering av pasientjournalen |
2022 |
Lecture |
Experiences of making lifestyle changes among people with prediabetes attending Diabetes Prevention Education Program (DiPEP): A qualitative study in Nepal |
2022 |
Poster |
Is desktop VR more motivational than traditional practice when learning ISBAR? A usability study of desktop VR for learning ISBAR |
2022 |
Academic lecture |
EHelsekompetanse for bruk av pasientportal for ungdom i psykisk
helsevern |
2022 |
Academic lecture |
The short-term effect of a modified comprehensive geriatric assessment and regularly case conferencing on neuropsychiatric symptoms in nursing homes: a cluster randomized trial |
2022 |
Academic article |
Science Conversations @NTNU: Diversity in research benefits social development. |
2022 |
Programme participation |
Caregiving, Participation, and Quality of Life of Closest Next of Kin of Persons Living with Spinal Cord Injury in Norway |
2022 |
Academic article |
Fitness center use and subsequent achievement of exercise goals. A prospective study on long-term fitness center members |
2022 |
Academic article |
Digital undervisning om ISBAR
2022 |
Digital learning tools |
Learning from clinical supervision – a qualitative study of undergraduate medical students’ experiences |
2022 |
Academic article |
Digital eller fysisk tverrfaglig praksis for alle |
2021 |
Academic lecture |
Hva gjør at (medisin)studenter opplever at de lærer fra veiledning i møte med pasienter? |
2021 |
Academic lecture |
Impact of a patient engagement support intervention (PHEinAction) on pre-bariatric surgery patients: A qualitative evaluation study |
2021 |
Academic article |
Medical students' experiences with clinical supervision, focusing on students actions and interactions |
2021 |
Academic lecture |
The effect of initial support on fitness center use in new fitness center members. A randomized controlled trial |
2021 |
Academic article |
Participants' experiences from group-based treatment at multidisciplinary pain centres-a qualitative study |
2021 |
Academic article |
Rask og sikker digital tilgang til egen journal for alle? |
2021 |
Feature article |
Participation and quality of life in persons living with spinal cord injury in Norway |
2021 |
Academic article |
Tverrfaglig digital samhandling fra første time! Hvordan koble på og koble sammen helt ferske førsteårsstudenter? |
2021 |
Lecture |
Veiledning og trygghet |
2021 |
Academic lecture |
User-centred Design of a Digital Care Plan for Patients and Professionals in Cross-organisational Teams |
2021 |
Academic lecture |
User-centred Design of a Digital Care Plan for Patients and Professionals in Cross-organisational Teams |
2021 |
Academic article |
Participants’ views and experiences from setting up a shared patient portal for primary and specialist health services- a qualitative study |
2021 |
Academic article |
Medical students' experiences with clinical supervision |
2021 |
Academic lecture |
The effect of self-practicing systematic clinical observations in a multiplayer, immersive, interactive virtual reality application versus physical equipment: a randomized controlled trial |
2021 |
Academic article |
Reaching for the Quadruple Aim – How to design effective whole system health service improvement? (Workshop) |
2020 |
Academic lecture |
Healthcare is getting new VR training applications from the Norwegian University of Science and Technology |
2020 |
Interview |
New Technology for VR-based Training Can Help Save Lives |
2020 |
Interview |
Denne avtalen kan ta Making View ut i milliardmarked |
2020 |
Interview |
VR-treningsprogram for helsepersonell kan redde liv |
2020 |
Interview |
Bruk av VR (virtuell virkelighet) i opplæring og trening |
2020 |
Lecture |
Selvregulert samhandlingstrening i VR – VirSam |
2020 |
Lecture |
Individual self-practice of the ABCDE approach in virtual reality give a non-inferior outcome. A randomized controlled trail |
2020 |
Academic lecture |
(Association between) theoretical and practical test after VR learning |
2020 |
Academic lecture |
Pro-active care for individuals with
complex and long-term healthcare
needs |
2020 |
Medical Student Research Thesis |
"When you feel "trygg" it's easier to ask questions" - students' perspective on how clinical supervision impacts their learning |
2020 |
Poster |
2020 |
Academic article |
Bedre pasientbehandling med 3D-briller? |
2020 |
Popular scientific lecture |
Risikojustering i finansieringsmodeller for teambasert fastlegeordning |
2020 |
Report |
Evidence of validity for the Norwegian version of the interprofessional collaborative competency attainment survey (ICCAS) |
2020 |
Academic article |
Changes in performance during repeated in-situ simulations with different cases |
2020 |
Academic article |
"No one wants you” – a qualitative study on the experiences of receiving rejection from tertiary care pain centres |
2020 |
Academic article |
Is individual practice in an immersive and interactive virtual reality application non-inferior to practicing with traditional equipment in learning systematic clinical observation? A randomized controlled trial |
2020 |
Academic article |
Translation and cultural adaptation of the Communication Assessment Tool (CAT), developing a Danish and Norwegian version |
2019 |
Academic article |
To what extent do patients with pulmonary cancer have contact with a GP in Norway: A registry study |
2019 |
Academic lecture |
‘A lifebuoy’ and ‘a waste of time’: patients’ varying experiences of multidisciplinary pain centre treatment- a qualitative study |
2019 |
Academic article |
Hvordan opplever pasienter møtet med smertesentrene? |
2019 |
Lecture |
Hvordan opplever pasienter som ikke gis rett til behandling å få avslag? |
2019 |
Lecture |
Erfaringer med VR i opplæring |
2019 |
Lecture |
VR i utdanning av helsepersonell |
2019 |
Lecture |
VR i smitteopplæring av ambulanseansatte |
2019 |
Lecture |
VR i utdanning og videreutdanning |
2019 |
Lecture |
VR i opplæring av helsepersonell |
2019 |
Lecture |
Developing a virtual reality (VR)- application for practicing the ABCDE- approach |
2019 |
Academic lecture |
Contact with primary health care physicians before an acute hospitalisation |
2019 |
Academic article |
Long-term members’ use of fitness centers: a qualitative study |
2019 |
Academic article |
Considering formulation characteristics when prescribing and dispensing medicinal products for children: a qualitative study among GPs and pharmacists |
2019 |
Academic article |
Contact with primary health care physicians before an acute hospitalisation |
2018 |
Academic lecture |
VR i opplæring av helsepersonell |
2018 |
Lecture |
Bruk av VR for helsepersonell |
2018 |
Lecture |
Bruk av VR i opplæring av helsepersonell |
2018 |
Lecture |
Hvordan bruke VR i utdannelsen? Generelt og i kirurgi |
2018 |
Lecture |
Helsehjelp til rett tid |
2018 |
Academic article |
Usability testing of EirV3 - a computer-based tool for patient reported outcome measures in cancer |
2018 |
Abstract |
Usability testing of EirV3 - a computer-based tool for patient reported outcome measures in cancer |
2018 |
Poster |
Twelve-month effect of chronic pain self-management intervention delivered in an easily accessible primary healthcare service - a randomised controlled trial |
2018 |
Academic article |
Health care utilization and cost after discharge from a mental health hospital; an RCT comparing community residential aftercare and treatment as usual |
2018 |
Academic article |
Short-term effect of a chronic pain self-management intervention delivered by an easily accessible primary healthcare service: a randomised controlled trial |
2018 |
Academic article |
Forventninger til og effekt av mestringskurs for personer med kronisk smerte ved frisklivssentral- presentasjon av et doktorgradsprosjekt |
2018 |
Academic lecture |
Expectations towards and effects of chronic pain self-management interventions at Healthy Life Centre in public primary care |
2018 |
Academic lecture |
What are the contents of patient engagement interventions for older adults? A systematic review of randomized controlled trials |
2018 |
Academic literature review |
Register-based study showed that the age when children were prescribed antibiotic tablets and capsules instead of liquids increased from 2004 to 2016 |
2018 |
Academic article |
Usability testing of EirV3-a computer-based tool for patient-reported outcome measures in cancer |
2018 |
Academic article |
Bruk av Virtuell virkelighet (VR) for å trene team kommunikasjon |
2018 |
Academic lecture |
Åpnet VR-laber to steder samtidig |
2018 |
Interview |
Ny VR- og RQI-lab på Øya og TEFT-lab i Ålesund åpnet |
2018 |
Programme participation |
Changes in performance during repeated in situ simulation with three different cases |
2018 |
Poster |
Procedural Medical Training in VR in a Smart Virtual University Hospital |
2018 |
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper |
Practicing interprofessional team communication and collaboration in a smart virtual university hospital |
2018 |
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper |
Requests for new oral antibiotic prescriptions in children within 2 days: a Norwegian population-based study |
2018 |
Academic article |
Policies Make Coherent Care Pathways a Personal Responsibility for Clinicians: A Discourse Analysis of Policy Documents about Coordinators in Hospitals |
2018 |
Academic article |
Effect of an easily accessible chronic pain self-management intervention in Public primary care |
2018 |
Academic lecture |
Disease-specific clinical pathways - are they feasible in primary care? : a mixed-methods study |
2018 |
Academic article |
Keeping one step ahead: A qualitative study among Norwegian health-care providers in hospitals involved in care coordination for patients with complex needs |
2018 |
Academic article |
Predictors of Dropout From Inpatient Substance Use Treatment: A Prospective Cohort Study |
2018 |
Academic article |
Room-Scale Virtual Reality for Interprofessional Collaborative Healthcare Training - Developing a Multi-Interface Application for a Smart Virtual University Hospital |
2017 |
Masters thesis |
Medical Procedural Training in Virtual Reality |
2017 |
Masters thesis |
VirSam – Virtuell samhandling |
2017 |
Academic lecture |
Use of virtual reality to practice team communication (VirSam) |
2017 |
Academic lecture |
Use of virtual reality to practice team communication |
2017 |
Academic lecture |
Forebyggende risikokartlegging i samband med oppfølgingsteam |
2017 |
Report |
Like a hotel, but boring: Users' experience with short-time community-based residential aftercare |
2017 |
Academic article |
Person-centered care (PCC) - what is it really? |
2017 |
Poster |
Project VirSam – Using VR in professional training |
2017 |
Academic lecture |
2017 |
Poster |
Expectations towards participation in easily accessible pain management interventions: a qualitative study |
2017 |
Academic article |
Twelve months effect of self-referral to inpatient treatment on patient activation, recovery, symptoms and functioning: A randomized controlled study |
2017 |
Academic article |
A qualitative study of employees' opinions on establishing a generic call-centre |
2017 |
Academic article |
Elderly users of fall-risk-increasing drug perceptions of fall risk and the relation to their drug use?a qualitative study |
2017 |
Academic article |
Patients’Perceptions of Having a Good Life One Year after Arthritis Patient Education: A Qualitative Study Nested within a Randomized Controlled Trial |
2017 |
Academic article |
Strategies parents use to give children oral medicine: a qualitative study of online discussion forums |
2017 |
Academic article |
Use of virtual reality to practice team communication |
2017 |
Academic lecture |
Generic care pathway for elderly patients in need of home care services after discharge from hospital: a cluster randomised controlled trial |
2017 |
Academic article |
Nurses' and pharmacists' learning experiences from participating in inter professional medication reviews in elderly in primary health care - a qualitative study |
2017 |
Academic article |
2017 |
Academic lecture |
Use of virtual reality to practice team communication |
2016 |
Academic lecture |
Integrating comprehensive geriatric assessment and case conferencing to improve quality of care in nursing homes. |
2016 |
Poster |
Towards a more effective hospital: helping health professionals to learn from their own practice by developing an easy to use clinical processes querying language |
2016 |
Academic article |
Bioingeniørers erfaring og utbytte av undervisning i tverrfaglig samhandling |
2016 |
Academic article |
What is a good educator? A qualitative study on the perspective of individuals with coronary heart disease |
2016 |
Academic article |
Short time effect of a self-referral to inpatient treatment for patients with severe mental disorders: a randomized controlled trial |
2016 |
Academic article |
Nurses' and pharmacists' learning experiences from participating in inter professional medication reviews in primary health care: a qualitative study. |
2016 |
Poster |
Patient activation in Europe: an international comparison of psychometric properties and patients' scores on the short form Patient Activation Measure (PAM-13) |
2016 |
Academic article |
The balancing act. A study of coordination work in hospitals |
2016 |
Poster |
A randomized controlled trial comparing self-referral to inpatient treatment and treatment as usual in patients with severe mental disorders |
2016 |
Academic article |
Helhetlige pasientforløp – gjennomføring i primærhelsetjenesten |
2016 |
Academic article |
Short-term effects of a peer co-led educational programme delivered before mental health treatment: A randomised controlled trial |
2016 |
Academic article |
Expectations, effect and experiences of an easily accessible self-management intervention for people with chronic pain: study protocol for a randomised controlled trial with embedded qualitative study |
2016 |
Academic article |
Patients’ confidence in coping with arthritis
after nurse-led education; a qualitative
study |
2016 |
Academic article |
A qualitative study of how people with severe mental illness experience living in sheltered housing with a private fully equipped apartment |
2016 |
Academic article |
Visual exploration and cohort identification of acute patient histories aggregated from heterogeneous sources |
2016 |
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper |
Visual Exploration and Cohort Identification of Acute Patient Histories Aggregated from Heterogeneous Sources |
2016 |
Academic lecture |
Long Term Effect on Professionals' Knowledge, Ppractice and Attitudes towards User Involvement Four Years after Implementing an Organisational Development Plan: A Controlled Study |
2016 |
Academic article |
Knowledge and skills needed for patient education for individuals with coronary heart disease: The perspective of health professionals |
2016 |
Academic article |
The long-term effect on mental health symptoms and patient activation of using patient feedback scales in mental health out-patient treatment. A randomised controlled trial |
2016 |
Academic article |
Which factors influence self-efficacy in patients with chronic inflammatory polyarthritis? |
2016 |
Academic article |
Factors influencing prescribing of fall-risk-increasing drugs to the elderly: A qualitative study |
2015 |
Academic article |
How do we deal with multiple goals for care within an individual patient trajectory? A document content analysis of health service research papers on goals for care |
2015 |
Academic literature review |
"Mestring av langvarige smerter" ved Friskliv og mestring. Effekt og erfaringer med en helsefremmende intervensjon- en pågående studie |
2015 |
Poster |
Effectiveness of an intermediate care hospital on readmissions, mortality, activities of daily living and use of health care services among hospitalized adults aged 60 years and older; a controlled observational study |
2015 |
Academic article |
How to become an expert educator: a qualitative study on the view of health professionals with experience in patient education Approaches to teaching and learning |
2015 |
Academic article |
Risk in homeopathy: Classification of adverse events and homeopathic aggravations - A cross sectional study among Norwegian homeopath patients |
2015 |
Academic article |
Elektronisk meldingsutveksling mellom hjemmetjenestene og fastleger |
2015 |
Academic article |
The influence of an intermediate care hospital on health care utilization among elderly patients - a retrospective comparative cohort study |
2015 |
Academic article |
Implementing a care pathway for elderly patients, a comparative qualitative process evaluation in primary care
2015 |
Academic article |
Does implementing a development plan for user participation in a mental hospital change patients' experience? A non-randomized controlled study |
2015 |
Academic article |
Safely cared for or empowered in mental health care? Yes, please |
2014 |
Academic article |
Patients Judgment of Their Trajectories |
2014 |
Abstract |
Characteristics of a self-management support programme applicable in primary health care: a qualitative study of users and health professionals perceptions |
2014 |
Academic article |
Risk in homeopathy - A Survey among Norwegian Homeopath Patients |
2014 |
Poster |
Risk in Homeopathy - A survey among Norwegian Homeopath Patients |
2014 |
Poster |
Hospital discharge of elderly patients to primary health care, with and without an intermediate care hospital - a qualitative study of health professionals' experiences |
2014 |
Academic article |
Personnel and participant experiences of a residential weight-loss program. A qualitative study |
2014 |
Academic article |
Risk in Homeopathy:Classification of Adverse Effects and Homeopathic Aggravations-A Cross Sectional Study Among Norwegian Homeopath Patients |
2014 |
Abstract |
Reducing the risk of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM):Challenges and priorities |
2014 |
Academic literature review |
Long-term effects of a nurse-led group and individual patient education programme for patients with chronic inflammatory polyarthritis - a randomised controlled trial |
2014 |
Academic article |
Experiences from the implementation of a comprehensive development plan for user involvement in a mental health hospital: A qualitative case study |
2014 |
Academic article |
Use of complementary and alternative medicine by children in Europe: Published data and expert perspectives |
2013 |
Academic article |
Hvordan beskriver brukere av psykiske helse- og sosialtjenester et godt tjenestetilbud? |
2013 |
Academic article |
Same description, different values. How service users and providers define patient and public involvement in health care |
2013 |
Academic article |
Giving patients a voice - Patient evaluation of PAtients TrAjectories – The PasTAs protocol |
2013 |
Poster |
Co-use of drugs and herbal remidies in general practice and in vitro inhibition of CYP3A4, CYP2D6 and P-glycoprotein by the common herb aloe vera |
2013 |
Doctoral dissertation |
The co-use of conventional drugs and herbs among patients in Norwegian general practice: a cross-sectional study |
2013 |
Academic article |
Patient participation in mental healthcare: When is it difficult? A qualitative study of users and providers in a mental health hospital in Norway |
2013 |
Academic article |
What is a competent homeopath and what do they need in their education? A qualitative study of educators’ views |
2013 |
Academic article |
Characteristics of Female and Male Visitors to Practitioners of Acupuncture in the HUNT3 Study |
2013 |
Academic article |
Making and Maintaining Lifestyle Changes after Participating in Group Based Type 2 Diabetes Self-Management Educations: A Qualitative Study |
2013 |
Academic article |
Patient education - Which parts of the content predict impact on coping skills? |
2013 |
Academic article |
Development of a patient centred care pathway across health care providers: a qualitative study |
2013 |
Academic article |
Mestrer sykdommen bedre med opplæring |
2012 |
Interview |
The short-term effect on alliance and satisfaction of using patient feedback scales in mental health out-patient treatment. A randomised controlled trial |
2012 |
Academic article |
Characteristics of visitors to practitioners of homeopathy in a large adult Norwegian population (the HUNT 3 study) |
2012 |
Academic article |
Group based diabetes self-management education compared to routine treatment for people with type 2 diabetes mellitus. A systematic review with meta-analysis |
2012 |
Academic literature review |
Patients' experiences with metaphors in a solution-focused approach to improve self-management skills: A qualitative study |
2012 |
Academic article |
The effect of an educational program consisting of group and individual arthritis education for patients with polyarthritis - A randomised controlled trial |
2012 |
Academic article |
The Personality of Homeopaths: A Cross-Sectional Survey of the Personality Profiles of Homeopaths Compared to a Norm Sample |
2012 |
Academic article |
Efficacy of ongoing group based diabetes self-management education for patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus. A randomised controlled trial |
2012 |
Academic article |
Five-year follow-up of a one-year self-management program for patients with COPD |
2012 |
Academic article |
Effect og group education for patients on waiting list- protocol for a study in two Community Mental Health Centers intending to increase user participation |
2012 |
Poster |
Effekt av et introduksjonsseminar for pasienter i venteliste i et DPS- småglimt fra en randomiserte kontrollerte studie |
2012 |
Academic lecture |
Developing a group educational intervention for patients on waiting list with the aim of increasing patient involvement in District Psychiatric Out-patient Centres |
2012 |
Poster |
Psychological distress and patient activation is associated with self efficacy in patients with arthritis |
2011 |
Poster |
Psykologisk helsestatus og evne til selvhjelp er assosiert med mestringstro hos pasienter med inflammatorisk leddsykdom |
2011 |
Academic lecture |
Forskning på brukermedvirkning og pasientopplæring |
2011 |
Popular scientific lecture |
Sammenheng mellom innhold i kurs og endring i mestringsevne |
2011 |
Academic lecture |
Coping with arthritis is experienced as a dynamic balancing process. A qualitative study |
2011 |
Academic article |
Effect of an institutional development plan for user participation on professionals' knowledge, practice, and attitudes |
2011 |
Academic article |
Predictors for Adolescent Visits to Practitioners of Complementary and Alternative Medicine in a Total Population (the Young-HUNT Studies) |
2011 |
Academic article |
Undergraduate homeopathy education in Europe and the influence of accreditation |
2011 |
Academic article |
Changes among male and female visitors to practitioners of complementary and alternative medicine in a large adult Norwegian population from 1997 to 2008 (The HUNT studies) |
2011 |
Academic article |
2011 |
Poster |
2011 |
Poster |
Brukermedvirkning i sykehusavdelinger - helsepersonellets erfaringer |
2011 |
Article in business/trade/industry journal |
User involvement in hospital wards: Professionals negotiating user knowledge. A qualitative study |
2011 |
Academic article |
General practitioners experience in teaching medical students clinical communication skills |
2011 |
Academic lecture |
Effekt av gruppeundervisning i pasient- og pårørendeopplæring |
2011 |
Report |
Oppfølging: Hva får lungesyke til å gjøre endringer i livet, og opprettholde fysisk aktivitet? |
2011 |
Academic lecture |
Brukermedvirkning i sykehusavdelinger - helsepersonellets erfaringer |
2011 |
Article in business/trade/industry journal |
Fagutvikling innen pasient- og pårørendeopplæring |
2010 |
Popular scientific lecture |
Evaluering av pasientopplæring? |
2010 |
Popular scientific lecture |
Bedre kurs med effektmåling |
2010 |
Popular scientific lecture |
Gruppeundervisning i pasient- og pårørendeopplæring, oversikt over oversikter |
2010 |
Popular scientific lecture |
Group based self-management education for people with type 2 diabetes mellitus: Systematic Review |
2010 |
Poster |
How did they make it last? Continued exercise after a self-management program and pulmonary rehabilitation for people with copd - a qualitative study |
2010 |
Academic lecture |
Tung pust med andre øyne II Lungefysioterapi og lungerehabilitering - dagens anbefalinger og klinisk praksis |
2010 |
Academic lecture |
Reasons for participation in group-based type 2 diabetes self-management education. A qualitative study |
2010 |
Academic article |
Families' visits to practitioners of complementary and alternative medicine in a total population (the HUNT studies) |
2010 |
Academic article |
Paid work is associated with improved health-related quality of life in patients with rheumatoid arthritis |
2010 |
Academic article |
Complementary and alternative medicine practitioner consultations among those who have or have had cancer in a Norwegian total population (Nord-Tr circle divide ndelag Health Study): prevalence, socio-demographics and health perceptions |
2010 |
Academic article |
Brukermedvirkning i DPS. Rasjonalitet som forutsetning for brukermedvirkning? |
2010 |
Academic lecture |
Rationality as prerequisite for patient participation in mental health services? |
2010 |
Poster |
Brukermedvirkning i et DPS |
2010 |
Poster |
2010 |
Poster |
How do parents of child patients compare consultations with homeopaths and physicians? A qualitative study |
2009 |
Academic article |
Three year follow up after a two year comprehensive pulmonary rehabilitation program for patients with COPD |
2009 |
Academic article |
Development of an international questionnaire to measure use of complementary and alternative medicine (I-CAM-Q) |
2009 |
Academic article |
Cross-Cultural Comparison of Visitors to CAM Practitioners in the United States and Norway |
2009 |
Academic article |
Comparison of visits to CAM practitioners in USA and Norway |
2009 |
Academic article |
Norwegian Healthcare Professionals' Perceptions of Patient Knowledge and Involvement as Basis for Decision Making in Hematology |
2009 |
Academic article |
2009 |
Interview |
Bruk av alternativ behandling |
2009 |
Interview |
2009 |
Interview |
Fagråd for NIFAB og NAFKAM på plass |
2009 |
Interview |
Hvordan skjer helbredelse etter opplæring? |
2009 |
Academic lecture |
Which factors influence families’ visits to practitioners of complementary and alternative medicine (the HUNT studies) |
2009 |
Academic lecture |
Besøk hos alternative behandlere i USA og Norge |
2009 |
Academic lecture |
Comparison of CAM use in USA and Norway |
2009 |
Academic lecture |
User involvement - a question of professionalism? Health personnel's experiences with user involvement in hospital wards |
2009 |
Academic lecture |
Komplementær og alternativ medisin – en innføring for helsepersonell |
2009 |
Textbook |
Patient education - a compromise between patients’ needs and hospital resources |
2009 |
Poster |
Handlingsprogram for brukermedvirkning i Helse Midt-Norge (2009 – 2012) |
2009 |
Popular scientific lecture |
Evaluering av pasientopplæring? |
2009 |
Popular scientific lecture |
Hva er nytten av pasientopplæring? |
2009 |
Popular scientific lecture |
Evaluering av pasientopplæring? |
2009 |
Popular scientific lecture |
Hva er nytten av pasientopplæring? |
2009 |
Popular scientific lecture |
From homeopath to researcher, the journey |
2009 |
Popular scientific lecture |
Herbal use among cancer patients during palliative or curative chemotherapy treatment in Norway |
2008 |
Academic article |
Brukermedvirkning i sykehusavdelinger? |
2008 |
Academic article |
Characteristics of visitors to homeopaths in a total adult population study in Norway (HUNT 2) |
2008 |
Academic article |
Måling av effekt av pasientopplæring [Norwegian version of Patient Activation Measure (PAM)] |
2008 |
Academic article |
Socio-demographic characteristics and health perceptions among male and female CAM users in a Norwegian total population study |
2008 |
Academic article |
Socio-demographic characteristics and health perceptions among male and female visitors to CAM practitioners in a total population study |
2008 |
Academic article |
Informasjon om legemidler til pasienter ved revmatologisk avdeling ved St. Olavs hospital |
2008 |
Report |
Brukermedvirkning i sykehusavdelinger i Helse Midt-Norge. En undersøkelse av brukermedvirkningens omfang og helsepersonells erfaringer |
2008 |
Report |
Riktig informasjon opplæring gir økt livskvalitet |
2008 |
Interview |
Group support and a sense of success and security are important factors for continued exercising. A qualitative study |
2008 |
Academic lecture |
CAM use in Norway |
2008 |
Academic lecture |
Systematiske review på KOLS og diabetes opplæring |
2008 |
Academic lecture |
Systematiske oversikter innen KOLS og diabetesopplæring |
2008 |
Academic lecture |
Can the contextual effect of homeopathic care be isolated? A randomised controlled trial |
2008 |
Academic lecture |
Brukermedvirkning i Helse Midt-Norges sykehusavdelinger - helsepersonells erfaringer |
2008 |
Poster |
Important factors for continued exercise in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) |
2008 |
Poster |
Evaluering av pasientopplæring i samarbeid med Lærings- og mestringssentrene (LMS) i Helse Midt-Norge |
2008 |
Poster |
Sommarøy Homeopathic Outcome Group and the Patient Oriented Outcomes For Homeopathy |
2008 |
Poster |
How do parents to child patients compare consultations with homeopaths and physicians? A qualitative study |
2008 |
Poster |
Hva er nytten av pasientopplæring? |
2008 |
Popular scientific lecture |
Opplæring av pasienter og pårørende – behovet for informasjonstjenester |
2008 |
Popular scientific lecture |
An exploratory study of the contextual effect of homeopathic care. A randomised controlled trial of homeopathic care vs. self-prescribed homeopathic medicine in the prevention of upper respiratory tract infections in children |
2007 |
Academic article |
The effect of the homeopathic consultation in the prevention of upper respiratory tract infections in children. A randomized controlled trial |
2007 |
Academic article |
Observational study of pulmonary rehabilitation and self management for patients with COPD |
2007 |
Academic article |
The profiles of adults who consult alternative health practitioners and/or general practitioners |
2007 |
Academic article |
GP users vs. CAM and GP/CAM users. A total population based study (HUNT 2) |
2007 |
Academic lecture |
Visit to homeopaths in a total population (HUNT 2) |
2007 |
Academic lecture |
The practitioner as researcher: research capacity building within the ranks of CAM |
2006 |
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper |
Why do parents take their children to homeopaths? An exploratory qualitative study |
2006 |
Academic article |
Sykdommen eller mennesket – hva er fokus i en konvensjonell og en homøopatisk konsultasjon? |
2006 |
Academic article |
Første homøopat med doktorgrad |
2006 |
Interview |
Forskningsgruppe innen pasientopplæring og brukermedvirkning |
2006 |
Academic lecture |
Forskning på pasientopplæring og brukermedvirkning i Midt-Norge |
2006 |
Academic lecture |
Structure, knowledge and lot and lot of success. A qualitative study of a long stay on site life style change program for persons with obesity |
2006 |
Academic lecture |
The context effect. A randomiszed controlled trial of homeopathic care vs. self prescribed homeopathic medicine in the prevention of upper respiratory tract infections in children |
2006 |
Academic lecture |
Visits to homeopaths in a Norwegian total population study (HUNT2) |
2006 |
Academic lecture |
Effekt og nytte av pasientopplæring |
2006 |
Popular scientific lecture |
Bruk av alternativ medisin |
2006 |
Popular scientific lecture |
Homøopati som utfordrer til sannheter i etablert medisin |
2005 |
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper |
Mine motiver som forsker? |
2005 |
Reader opinion piece |
Homeopathic care for the prevention of upper respiratory tract infections in children: A pragmatic, randomised, controlled trial comparing individualised homeopathic care and waiting-list controls |
2005 |
Academic article |
Changes in patients visiting a homeopathic clinic in Norway - a follow-up study |
2005 |
Academic article |
Patients´ assessments on the effectiveness of homeopathic care in Norway. A prospective observational multicentre outcome study |
2005 |
Academic article |
Empowering the cancer patient or controlling the tumour? - A qualitative study of how cancer patients experience consultations with respectively CAM practitioners and physicians |
2005 |
Academic article |
Fra idealisme til levebrød – en undersøkelse av homeopaters inntekt i 2003 |
2005 |
Academic article |
Self treatment with one of three self selected, ultramolecular homeopathic medicines for the prevention of upper respiratory tract infections in children. A double-blind randomized placebo controlled trial |
2005 |
Academic article |
Homeopathic care for the prevention of upper respiratory tract infections in children. - A pragmatic randomized controlled trial comparing individualised homeopathic care and waiting list controls |
2005 |
Academic article |
Homeopathy in the prevention of upper respiration tract infections in children |
2005 |
Doctoral dissertation |
Snørrfri i vinter |
2005 |
Interview |
Sukkerkuler i den akademiske varmen |
2005 |
Interview |
Bruker mindre medisin |
2005 |
Interview |
Homøpati: Ren humbug? |
2005 |
Interview |
Homøopati |
2005 |
Interview |
Homøopati mot luftveisinfeksjoner hos barn |
2005 |
Interview |
Homøopati: - Gåten er ikke løst |
2005 |
Interview |
Homøopati: - Gåten er ikke løst |
2005 |
Interview |
-Ja, sukker- kuler funker! |
2005 |
Interview |
The use of simplified constitutional indications for self-prescription of homeopathic medicine |
2004 |
Academic article |
Randomised controlled trials of treatment by homeopaths and self-treatment with homeopathic medicines - design and protocol |
2004 |
Academic article |
Brukere av homøopati i Norge |
2004 |
Academic article |
Brukere av homøopati i Norge |
2004 |
Academic article |
Pasienttilgang hos homeopater MNHL. En prospektiv observasjonsstudie i perioden januar til august 2004 |
2004 |
Academic article |
Medisineres med sukkerkuler |
2004 |
Interview |
Homøopati til barn |
2004 |
Interview |
Users of homeopaths in Norway in 1998, compared to previous users and GP patients |
2003 |
Academic article |
Users of homeopaths in Norway in 1998, compared to previous users and GP patients |
2003 |
Academic article |
Schrødingers katt |
2003 |
Interview |
Hvilke plager har barn som oppsøker norske homøopater? |
2001 |
Academic article |
Kunnskapsbasert alternativ medisin |
2000 |
Academic article |
Alternativ medisin - en istitusjon i Norge |
2000 |
Thesis at a second degree level |
Homeopaters praksis. En spørreundersøkelse om økonomi, antall pasienter og tidsbruk |
1999 |
Academic article |
Data collection in homeopathic practice - A proposal for an international standard |
1999 |
Academic article |
Minimum dataset for documentation of homeopathic practice |
1998 |
Academic article |