
Aslak Steinsbekk


Aslak Steinsbekk is a professor in behavioral sciences in medicine and health service research at the Department of Public Health and Nursing, Norwegian University of Science and Technology and adjunct professor at professor Norwegian Centre for E-health Research. He is the leader of the research group for health service research and the research group in patient education and user involvement at NTNU.

His main research activities currently centers around health service research with a focus on the patient perspective and how patients experience the complete package of services they use. He is currently PI on several research and development project in medical and health science education including the use of virtual reality (VR), interprofessional education and the role of supervision.

Aslak has mainly published in the areas of health care organization and utilization, e-health, education, communication, patient education, patient participation and complementary and alternative medicine, and has been the PI for studies using different methodologies (more than 10 randomized controlled trials, qualitative methods, epidemiology, and systematic review), as well as extensive experience in supervision on PhD and master level. Aslak has broad educational experience. He has initiated and heads joint educational activity where more than 900 students from 12 professional educations participate (TverrSam and TverrPraks). He has also been in charge of coordinating a semester of the medical programme which includes practice placement in primary care and headed the examination commission. He has developed educational modules at master’s and PhD levels. Furthermore, he has initiated and headed several processes where a range of partners from different organisations have cooperated in applications and in setting up centres / networks. He thus has a broad experience from research, education and collaborative processes.

Aslak's projects
Project title Year Theme Project management
Dignity Care: Person-centered care supported by digital tools 2020 - 2026 Citizen services
Gro Berntsen
The Patient Centered Team (PACT) intervention - How does it work and for whom? 2021 - 2023 Patient pathways
Gro Berntsen
Identification of multimorbid patients with impactable risk profiles using artificial intelligence, the IM-PACT method 2021 - 2023 Pasientforløp
Gro Berntsen Maryam Tayefi Nasrabadi
Aslak's publications in Cristin
Title Year Category
Does professional and interprofessional identity increase during professional education? A cross-sectional study of Norwegian health- and social care students 2024 Academic article
Validity of the Johns Hopkins Adjusted Clinical Groups system on the utilisation of healthcare services in Norway: a retrospective cross-sectional study 2024 Academic article
Fastlegers respons på et mestringsorientert behandlingskonsept (NOMED) 2024 Popular scientific article
From fragments to overview – Challenges of gathering electronic health data to provide integrated care 2024 Academic lecture
A digital tool to support physicians in understanding the situation of a patient with a complex healthcare history 2024 Poster
Politisk orientering om VRINK 2024 Lecture
E-teams og VRINK 2024 Lecture
VRINK- økt inkludering av personer i utenforskap- utprøving av VR som muliggjørende teknologi 2024 Lecture
Digital health: from pilotitis to pilotanic 2024 Academic lecture
Development of Recommendations for the Digital Sharing of Notes With Adolescents in Mental Health Care: Delphi Study 2024 Academic article
The Role of Chief Medical officers in making Public Health Overview Documents in Norwegian Municipalities. A qualitative Study 2024 Academic article
Healthcare professionals’ experiences of interdisciplinary collaboration in pain centres – A qualitative study 2024 Academic article
VRINK, Bruk av virtuell virkelighet for økt inkludering av barn og unge i utenforskap 2024 Academic lecture
Læringseffekt av desktop VR for å øve på overføring av pasientinformasjon før operasjon med ISBAR-metoden: en randomisert kontrollert studie 2024 Poster
Expectations towards involving social security service within a national care pathway for patients with chronic and complex pain conditions 2023 Academic lecture
E-teams og VRINK 2023 Lecture
E-teams og VRINK 2023 Lecture
Developing social insurance settings as a practice arena for medical students in Norway: A need for collaboration? 2023 Academic lecture
The effect of using desktop VR to practice preoperative handovers with the ISBAR approach: a randomized controlled trial 2023 Academic article
Planer for RCT 2023 Lecture
Association between Johns Hopkins Adjusted Clinical Groups risk scores and self-reported outcome measures: an observational study among individuals with complex or long-term conditions in Norway 2023 Academic article
Developing a virtual reality (VR) application for practicing the ABCDE approach for systematic clinical observation 2023 Academic article
Letter to the Editor Regarding the Article “What Aspects of Supervised Patient Encounters Affect Students’ Perception of Having an Excellent Learning Outcome? A Survey Among European Medical Students” [Response to Letter] 2023 Letter to the editor
Interest in using patient portals among adolescents in mental health care - a cross-sectional study 2023 Academic article
What Aspects of Supervised Patient Encounters Affect Students' Perception of Having an Excellent Learning Outcome? A Survey Among European Medical Students 2023 Academic article
Interest in and Experience with the Use of Patient Portals Among Adolescents in Mental Health Care 2023 Poster
Interest in and Experience with the Use of Patient Portals Among Adolescents in Mental Health Care 2023 Academic article
How to Represent the Patient Voice in the Electronic Health Record? 2023 Academic article
Interest in and Experience with the Use of Patient Portals Among Adolescents in Mental Health Care 2023 Poster
Identifying individuals with complex and long-term health-care needs using the Johns Hopkins Adjusted Clinical Groups System: A comparison of data from primary and specialist health care 2023 Academic article
Psychological safety in European medical students’ last supervised patient encounter: A cross-sectional survey 2023 Academic article
How Did People with Prediabetes Who Attended the Diabetes Prevention Education Program (DiPEP) Experience Making Lifestyle Changes? A Qualitative Study in Nepal 2023 Academic literature review
Labour market participation after spinal cord injury. A register-based cohort study 2023 Academic article
Views on patient portal use for adolescents in mental health care - a qualitative study 2023 Academic article
The perceived usability of desktop VR for practicing preoperative handovers using ISBAR among nursing students 2023 Academic article
Presenterte prototype av DigiTeam 2022 Interview
Hvordan differensiere basistilskudd til fastlegene? 2022 Reader opinion piece
Usability Evaluation of the Preoperative ISBAR (Identification, Situation, Background, Assessment, and Recommendation) Desktop Virtual Reality Application: Qualitative Observational Study 2022 Academic article
General practitioners’ experiences of being involved in local public health work in Norway. A qualitative study 2022 Academic article
Brukermedvirkning i forskning 2022 Lecture
Relevant vs non-relevant subspecialist for patients hospitalised in internal medicine at a local hospital: which is better? A retrospective cohort study 2022 Academic article
Digitalisering av pasientjournalen 2022 Lecture
Experiences of making lifestyle changes among people with prediabetes attending Diabetes Prevention Education Program (DiPEP): A qualitative study in Nepal 2022 Poster
Is desktop VR more motivational than traditional practice when learning ISBAR? A usability study of desktop VR for learning ISBAR 2022 Academic lecture
EHelsekompetanse for bruk av pasientportal for ungdom i psykisk helsevern 2022 Academic lecture
The short-term effect of a modified comprehensive geriatric assessment and regularly case conferencing on neuropsychiatric symptoms in nursing homes: a cluster randomized trial 2022 Academic article
Science Conversations @NTNU: Diversity in research benefits social development. 2022 Programme participation
Caregiving, Participation, and Quality of Life of Closest Next of Kin of Persons Living with Spinal Cord Injury in Norway 2022 Academic article
Fitness center use and subsequent achievement of exercise goals. A prospective study on long-term fitness center members 2022 Academic article
Digital undervisning om ISBAR https://video.uia.no/media/t/0_yxcdxqlv 2022 Digital learning tools
Learning from clinical supervision – a qualitative study of undergraduate medical students’ experiences 2022 Academic article
Digital eller fysisk tverrfaglig praksis for alle 2021 Academic lecture
Hva gjør at (medisin)studenter opplever at de lærer fra veiledning i møte med pasienter? 2021 Academic lecture
Impact of a patient engagement support intervention (PHEinAction) on pre-bariatric surgery patients: A qualitative evaluation study 2021 Academic article
Medical students' experiences with clinical supervision, focusing on students actions and interactions 2021 Academic lecture
The effect of initial support on fitness center use in new fitness center members. A randomized controlled trial 2021 Academic article
Participants' experiences from group-based treatment at multidisciplinary pain centres-a qualitative study 2021 Academic article
Rask og sikker digital tilgang til egen journal for alle? 2021 Feature article
Participation and quality of life in persons living with spinal cord injury in Norway 2021 Academic article
Tverrfaglig digital samhandling fra første time! Hvordan koble på og koble sammen helt ferske førsteårsstudenter? 2021 Lecture
Veiledning og trygghet 2021 Academic lecture
User-centred Design of a Digital Care Plan for Patients and Professionals in Cross-organisational Teams 2021 Academic lecture
User-centred Design of a Digital Care Plan for Patients and Professionals in Cross-organisational Teams 2021 Academic article
Participants’ views and experiences from setting up a shared patient portal for primary and specialist health services- a qualitative study 2021 Academic article
Medical students' experiences with clinical supervision 2021 Academic lecture
The effect of self-practicing systematic clinical observations in a multiplayer, immersive, interactive virtual reality application versus physical equipment: a randomized controlled trial 2021 Academic article
Reaching for the Quadruple Aim – How to design effective whole system health service improvement? (Workshop) 2020 Academic lecture
Healthcare is getting new VR training applications from the Norwegian University of Science and Technology 2020 Interview
New Technology for VR-based Training Can Help Save Lives 2020 Interview
Denne avtalen kan ta Making View ut i milliardmarked 2020 Interview
VR-treningsprogram for helsepersonell kan redde liv 2020 Interview
Bruk av VR (virtuell virkelighet) i opplæring og trening 2020 Lecture
Selvregulert samhandlingstrening i VR – VirSam 2020 Lecture
Individual self-practice of the ABCDE approach in virtual reality give a non-inferior outcome. A randomized controlled trail 2020 Academic lecture
(Association between) theoretical and practical test after VR learning 2020 Academic lecture
Pro-active care for individuals with complex and long-term healthcare needs 2020 Medical Student Research Thesis
"When you feel "trygg" it's easier to ask questions" - students' perspective on how clinical supervision impacts their learning 2020 Poster
Bedre pasientbehandling med 3D-briller? 2020 Popular scientific lecture
Risikojustering i finansieringsmodeller for teambasert fastlegeordning 2020 Report
Evidence of validity for the Norwegian version of the interprofessional collaborative competency attainment survey (ICCAS) 2020 Academic article
Changes in performance during repeated in-situ simulations with different cases 2020 Academic article
"No one wants you” – a qualitative study on the experiences of receiving rejection from tertiary care pain centres 2020 Academic article
Is individual practice in an immersive and interactive virtual reality application non-inferior to practicing with traditional equipment in learning systematic clinical observation? A randomized controlled trial 2020 Academic article
Translation and cultural adaptation of the Communication Assessment Tool (CAT), developing a Danish and Norwegian version 2019 Academic article
To what extent do patients with pulmonary cancer have contact with a GP in Norway: A registry study 2019 Academic lecture
‘A lifebuoy’ and ‘a waste of time’: patients’ varying experiences of multidisciplinary pain centre treatment- a qualitative study 2019 Academic article
Hvordan opplever pasienter møtet med smertesentrene? 2019 Lecture
Hvordan opplever pasienter som ikke gis rett til behandling å få avslag? 2019 Lecture
Erfaringer med VR i opplæring 2019 Lecture
VR i utdanning av helsepersonell 2019 Lecture
VR i smitteopplæring av ambulanseansatte 2019 Lecture
VR i utdanning og videreutdanning 2019 Lecture
VR i opplæring av helsepersonell 2019 Lecture
Developing a virtual reality (VR)- application for practicing the ABCDE- approach 2019 Academic lecture
Contact with primary health care physicians before an acute hospitalisation 2019 Academic article
Long-term members’ use of fitness centers: a qualitative study 2019 Academic article
Considering formulation characteristics when prescribing and dispensing medicinal products for children: a qualitative study among GPs and pharmacists 2019 Academic article
Contact with primary health care physicians before an acute hospitalisation 2018 Academic lecture
VR i opplæring av helsepersonell 2018 Lecture
Bruk av VR for helsepersonell 2018 Lecture
Bruk av VR i opplæring av helsepersonell 2018 Lecture
Hvordan bruke VR i utdannelsen? Generelt og i kirurgi 2018 Lecture
Helsehjelp til rett tid 2018 Academic article
Usability testing of EirV3 - a computer-based tool for patient reported outcome measures in cancer 2018 Abstract
Usability testing of EirV3 - a computer-based tool for patient reported outcome measures in cancer 2018 Poster
Twelve-month effect of chronic pain self-management intervention delivered in an easily accessible primary healthcare service - a randomised controlled trial 2018 Academic article
Health care utilization and cost after discharge from a mental health hospital; an RCT comparing community residential aftercare and treatment as usual 2018 Academic article
Short-term effect of a chronic pain self-management intervention delivered by an easily accessible primary healthcare service: a randomised controlled trial 2018 Academic article
Forventninger til og effekt av mestringskurs for personer med kronisk smerte ved frisklivssentral- presentasjon av et doktorgradsprosjekt 2018 Academic lecture
Expectations towards and effects of chronic pain self-management interventions at Healthy Life Centre in public primary care 2018 Academic lecture
What are the contents of patient engagement interventions for older adults? A systematic review of randomized controlled trials 2018 Academic literature review
Register-based study showed that the age when children were prescribed antibiotic tablets and capsules instead of liquids increased from 2004 to 2016 2018 Academic article
Usability testing of EirV3-a computer-based tool for patient-reported outcome measures in cancer 2018 Academic article
Bruk av Virtuell virkelighet (VR) for å trene team kommunikasjon 2018 Academic lecture
Åpnet VR-laber to steder samtidig 2018 Interview
Ny VR- og RQI-lab på Øya og TEFT-lab i Ålesund åpnet 2018 Programme participation
Changes in performance during repeated in situ simulation with three different cases 2018 Poster
Procedural Medical Training in VR in a Smart Virtual University Hospital 2018 Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Practicing interprofessional team communication and collaboration in a smart virtual university hospital 2018 Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Requests for new oral antibiotic prescriptions in children within 2 days: a Norwegian population-based study 2018 Academic article
Policies Make Coherent Care Pathways a Personal Responsibility for Clinicians: A Discourse Analysis of Policy Documents about Coordinators in Hospitals 2018 Academic article
Effect of an easily accessible chronic pain self-management intervention in Public primary care 2018 Academic lecture
Disease-specific clinical pathways - are they feasible in primary care? : a mixed-methods study 2018 Academic article
Keeping one step ahead: A qualitative study among Norwegian health-care providers in hospitals involved in care coordination for patients with complex needs 2018 Academic article
Predictors of Dropout From Inpatient Substance Use Treatment: A Prospective Cohort Study 2018 Academic article
Room-Scale Virtual Reality for Interprofessional Collaborative Healthcare Training - Developing a Multi-Interface Application for a Smart Virtual University Hospital 2017 Masters thesis
Medical Procedural Training in Virtual Reality 2017 Masters thesis
VirSam – Virtuell samhandling 2017 Academic lecture
Use of virtual reality to practice team communication (VirSam) 2017 Academic lecture
Use of virtual reality to practice team communication 2017 Academic lecture
Forebyggende risikokartlegging i samband med oppfølgingsteam 2017 Report
Like a hotel, but boring: Users' experience with short-time community-based residential aftercare 2017 Academic article
Person-centered care (PCC) - what is it really? 2017 Poster
Project VirSam – Using VR in professional training 2017 Academic lecture
Expectations towards participation in easily accessible pain management interventions: a qualitative study 2017 Academic article
Twelve months effect of self-referral to inpatient treatment on patient activation, recovery, symptoms and functioning: A randomized controlled study 2017 Academic article
A qualitative study of employees' opinions on establishing a generic call-centre 2017 Academic article
Elderly users of fall-risk-increasing drug perceptions of fall risk and the relation to their drug use?a qualitative study 2017 Academic article
Patients’Perceptions of Having a Good Life One Year after Arthritis Patient Education: A Qualitative Study Nested within a Randomized Controlled Trial 2017 Academic article
Strategies parents use to give children oral medicine: a qualitative study of online discussion forums 2017 Academic article
Use of virtual reality to practice team communication 2017 Academic lecture
Generic care pathway for elderly patients in need of home care services after discharge from hospital: a cluster randomised controlled trial 2017 Academic article
Nurses' and pharmacists' learning experiences from participating in inter professional medication reviews in elderly in primary health care - a qualitative study 2017 Academic article
Use of virtual reality to practice team communication 2016 Academic lecture
Integrating comprehensive geriatric assessment and case conferencing to improve quality of care in nursing homes. 2016 Poster
Towards a more effective hospital: helping health professionals to learn from their own practice by developing an easy to use clinical processes querying language 2016 Academic article
Bioingeniørers erfaring og utbytte av undervisning i tverrfaglig samhandling 2016 Academic article
What is a good educator? A qualitative study on the perspective of individuals with coronary heart disease 2016 Academic article
Short time effect of a self-referral to inpatient treatment for patients with severe mental disorders: a randomized controlled trial 2016 Academic article
Nurses' and pharmacists' learning experiences from participating in inter professional medication reviews in primary health care: a qualitative study. 2016 Poster
Patient activation in Europe: an international comparison of psychometric properties and patients' scores on the short form Patient Activation Measure (PAM-13) 2016 Academic article
The balancing act. A study of coordination work in hospitals 2016 Poster
A randomized controlled trial comparing self-referral to inpatient treatment and treatment as usual in patients with severe mental disorders 2016 Academic article
Helhetlige pasientforløp – gjennomføring i primærhelsetjenesten 2016 Academic article
Short-term effects of a peer co-led educational programme delivered before mental health treatment: A randomised controlled trial 2016 Academic article
Expectations, effect and experiences of an easily accessible self-management intervention for people with chronic pain: study protocol for a randomised controlled trial with embedded qualitative study 2016 Academic article
Patients’ confidence in coping with arthritis after nurse-led education; a qualitative study 2016 Academic article
A qualitative study of how people with severe mental illness experience living in sheltered housing with a private fully equipped apartment 2016 Academic article
Visual exploration and cohort identification of acute patient histories aggregated from heterogeneous sources 2016 Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Visual Exploration and Cohort Identification of Acute Patient Histories Aggregated from Heterogeneous Sources 2016 Academic lecture
Long Term Effect on Professionals' Knowledge, Ppractice and Attitudes towards User Involvement Four Years after Implementing an Organisational Development Plan: A Controlled Study 2016 Academic article
Knowledge and skills needed for patient education for individuals with coronary heart disease: The perspective of health professionals 2016 Academic article
The long-term effect on mental health symptoms and patient activation of using patient feedback scales in mental health out-patient treatment. A randomised controlled trial 2016 Academic article
Which factors influence self-efficacy in patients with chronic inflammatory polyarthritis? 2016 Academic article
Factors influencing prescribing of fall-risk-increasing drugs to the elderly: A qualitative study 2015 Academic article
How do we deal with multiple goals for care within an individual patient trajectory? A document content analysis of health service research papers on goals for care 2015 Academic literature review
"Mestring av langvarige smerter" ved Friskliv og mestring. Effekt og erfaringer med en helsefremmende intervensjon- en pågående studie 2015 Poster
Effectiveness of an intermediate care hospital on readmissions, mortality, activities of daily living and use of health care services among hospitalized adults aged 60 years and older; a controlled observational study 2015 Academic article
How to become an expert educator: a qualitative study on the view of health professionals with experience in patient education Approaches to teaching and learning 2015 Academic article
Risk in homeopathy: Classification of adverse events and homeopathic aggravations - A cross sectional study among Norwegian homeopath patients 2015 Academic article
Elektronisk meldings­utveksling mellom hjemmetjenestene og fastleger 2015 Academic article
The influence of an intermediate care hospital on health care utilization among elderly patients - a retrospective comparative cohort study 2015 Academic article
Implementing a care pathway for elderly patients, a comparative qualitative process evaluation in primary care 2015 Academic article
Does implementing a development plan for user participation in a mental hospital change patients' experience? A non-randomized controlled study 2015 Academic article
Safely cared for or empowered in mental health care? Yes, please 2014 Academic article
Patients Judgment of Their Trajectories 2014 Abstract
Characteristics of a self-management support programme applicable in primary health care: a qualitative study of users and health professionals perceptions 2014 Academic article
Risk in homeopathy - A Survey among Norwegian Homeopath Patients 2014 Poster
Risk in Homeopathy - A survey among Norwegian Homeopath Patients 2014 Poster
Hospital discharge of elderly patients to primary health care, with and without an intermediate care hospital - a qualitative study of health professionals' experiences 2014 Academic article
Personnel and participant experiences of a residential weight-loss program. A qualitative study 2014 Academic article
Risk in Homeopathy:Classification of Adverse Effects and Homeopathic Aggravations-A Cross Sectional Study Among Norwegian Homeopath Patients 2014 Abstract
Reducing the risk of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM):Challenges and priorities 2014 Academic literature review
Long-term effects of a nurse-led group and individual patient education programme for patients with chronic inflammatory polyarthritis - a randomised controlled trial 2014 Academic article
Experiences from the implementation of a comprehensive development plan for user involvement in a mental health hospital: A qualitative case study 2014 Academic article
Use of complementary and alternative medicine by children in Europe: Published data and expert perspectives 2013 Academic article
Hvordan beskriver brukere av psykiske helse- og sosialtjenester et godt tjenestetilbud? 2013 Academic article
Same description, different values. How service users and providers define patient and public involvement in health care 2013 Academic article
Giving patients a voice - Patient evaluation of PAtients TrAjectories – The PasTAs protocol 2013 Poster
Co-use of drugs and herbal remidies in general practice and in vitro inhibition of CYP3A4, CYP2D6 and P-glycoprotein by the common herb aloe vera 2013 Doctoral dissertation
The co-use of conventional drugs and herbs among patients in Norwegian general practice: a cross-sectional study 2013 Academic article
Patient participation in mental healthcare: When is it difficult? A qualitative study of users and providers in a mental health hospital in Norway 2013 Academic article
What is a competent homeopath and what do they need in their education? A qualitative study of educators’ views 2013 Academic article
Characteristics of Female and Male Visitors to Practitioners of Acupuncture in the HUNT3 Study 2013 Academic article
Making and Maintaining Lifestyle Changes after Participating in Group Based Type 2 Diabetes Self-Management Educations: A Qualitative Study 2013 Academic article
Patient education - Which parts of the content predict impact on coping skills? 2013 Academic article
Development of a patient centred care pathway across health care providers: a qualitative study 2013 Academic article
Mestrer sykdommen bedre med opplæring 2012 Interview
The short-term effect on alliance and satisfaction of using patient feedback scales in mental health out-patient treatment. A randomised controlled trial 2012 Academic article
Characteristics of visitors to practitioners of homeopathy in a large adult Norwegian population (the HUNT 3 study) 2012 Academic article
Group based diabetes self-management education compared to routine treatment for people with type 2 diabetes mellitus. A systematic review with meta-analysis 2012 Academic literature review
Patients' experiences with metaphors in a solution-focused approach to improve self-management skills: A qualitative study 2012 Academic article
The effect of an educational program consisting of group and individual arthritis education for patients with polyarthritis - A randomised controlled trial 2012 Academic article
The Personality of Homeopaths: A Cross-Sectional Survey of the Personality Profiles of Homeopaths Compared to a Norm Sample 2012 Academic article
Efficacy of ongoing group based diabetes self-management education for patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus. A randomised controlled trial 2012 Academic article
Five-year follow-up of a one-year self-management program for patients with COPD 2012 Academic article
Effect og group education for patients on waiting list- protocol for a study in two Community Mental Health Centers intending to increase user participation 2012 Poster
Effekt av et introduksjonsseminar for pasienter i venteliste i et DPS- småglimt fra en randomiserte kontrollerte studie 2012 Academic lecture
Developing a group educational intervention for patients on waiting list with the aim of increasing patient involvement in District Psychiatric Out-patient Centres 2012 Poster
Psychological distress and patient activation is associated with self efficacy in patients with arthritis 2011 Poster
Psykologisk helsestatus og evne til selvhjelp er assosiert med mestringstro hos pasienter med inflammatorisk leddsykdom 2011 Academic lecture
Forskning på brukermedvirkning og pasientopplæring 2011 Popular scientific lecture
Sammenheng mellom innhold i kurs og endring i mestringsevne 2011 Academic lecture
Coping with arthritis is experienced as a dynamic balancing process. A qualitative study 2011 Academic article
Effect of an institutional development plan for user participation on professionals' knowledge, practice, and attitudes 2011 Academic article
Predictors for Adolescent Visits to Practitioners of Complementary and Alternative Medicine in a Total Population (the Young-HUNT Studies) 2011 Academic article
Undergraduate homeopathy education in Europe and the influence of accreditation 2011 Academic article
Changes among male and female visitors to practitioners of complementary and alternative medicine in a large adult Norwegian population from 1997 to 2008 (The HUNT studies) 2011 Academic article
Brukermedvirkning i sykehusavdelinger - helsepersonellets erfaringer 2011 Article in business/trade/industry journal
User involvement in hospital wards: Professionals negotiating user knowledge. A qualitative study 2011 Academic article
General practitioners experience in teaching medical students clinical communication skills 2011 Academic lecture
Effekt av gruppeundervisning i pasient- og pårørendeopplæring 2011 Report
Oppfølging: Hva får lungesyke til å gjøre endringer i livet, og opprettholde fysisk aktivitet? 2011 Academic lecture
Brukermedvirkning i sykehusavdelinger - helsepersonellets erfaringer 2011 Article in business/trade/industry journal
Fagutvikling innen pasient- og pårørendeopplæring 2010 Popular scientific lecture
Evaluering av pasientopplæring? 2010 Popular scientific lecture
Bedre kurs med effektmåling 2010 Popular scientific lecture
Gruppeundervisning i pasient- og pårørendeopplæring, oversikt over oversikter 2010 Popular scientific lecture
Group based self-management education for people with type 2 diabetes mellitus: Systematic Review 2010 Poster
How did they make it last? Continued exercise after a self-management program and pulmonary rehabilitation for people with copd - a qualitative study 2010 Academic lecture
Tung pust med andre øyne II Lungefysioterapi og lungerehabilitering - dagens anbefalinger og klinisk praksis 2010 Academic lecture
Reasons for participation in group-based type 2 diabetes self-management education. A qualitative study 2010 Academic article
Families' visits to practitioners of complementary and alternative medicine in a total population (the HUNT studies) 2010 Academic article
Paid work is associated with improved health-related quality of life in patients with rheumatoid arthritis 2010 Academic article
Complementary and alternative medicine practitioner consultations among those who have or have had cancer in a Norwegian total population (Nord-Tr circle divide ndelag Health Study): prevalence, socio-demographics and health perceptions 2010 Academic article
Brukermedvirkning i DPS. Rasjonalitet som forutsetning for brukermedvirkning? 2010 Academic lecture
Rationality as prerequisite for patient participation in mental health services? 2010 Poster
Brukermedvirkning i et DPS 2010 Poster
How do parents of child patients compare consultations with homeopaths and physicians? A qualitative study 2009 Academic article
Three year follow up after a two year comprehensive pulmonary rehabilitation program for patients with COPD 2009 Academic article
Development of an international questionnaire to measure use of complementary and alternative medicine (I-CAM-Q) 2009 Academic article
Cross-Cultural Comparison of Visitors to CAM Practitioners in the United States and Norway 2009 Academic article
Comparison of visits to CAM practitioners in USA and Norway 2009 Academic article
Norwegian Healthcare Professionals' Perceptions of Patient Knowledge and Involvement as Basis for Decision Making in Hematology 2009 Academic article
2009 Interview
Bruk av alternativ behandling 2009 Interview
2009 Interview
Fagråd for NIFAB og NAFKAM på plass 2009 Interview
Hvordan skjer helbredelse etter opplæring? 2009 Academic lecture
Which factors influence families’ visits to practitioners of complementary and alternative medicine (the HUNT studies) 2009 Academic lecture
Besøk hos alternative behandlere i USA og Norge 2009 Academic lecture
Comparison of CAM use in USA and Norway 2009 Academic lecture
User involvement - a question of professionalism? Health personnel's experiences with user involvement in hospital wards 2009 Academic lecture
Komplementær og alternativ medisin – en innføring for helsepersonell 2009 Textbook
Patient education - a compromise between patients’ needs and hospital resources 2009 Poster
Handlingsprogram for brukermedvirkning i Helse Midt-Norge (2009 – 2012) 2009 Popular scientific lecture
Evaluering av pasientopplæring? 2009 Popular scientific lecture
Hva er nytten av pasientopplæring? 2009 Popular scientific lecture
Evaluering av pasientopplæring? 2009 Popular scientific lecture
Hva er nytten av pasientopplæring? 2009 Popular scientific lecture
From homeopath to researcher, the journey 2009 Popular scientific lecture
Herbal use among cancer patients during palliative or curative chemotherapy treatment in Norway 2008 Academic article
Brukermedvirkning i sykehusavdelinger? 2008 Academic article
Characteristics of visitors to homeopaths in a total adult population study in Norway (HUNT 2) 2008 Academic article
Måling av effekt av pasientopplæring [Norwegian version of Patient Activation Measure (PAM)] 2008 Academic article
Socio-demographic characteristics and health perceptions among male and female CAM users in a Norwegian total population study 2008 Academic article
Socio-demographic characteristics and health perceptions among male and female visitors to CAM practitioners in a total population study 2008 Academic article
Informasjon om legemidler til pasienter ved revmatologisk avdeling ved St. Olavs hospital 2008 Report
Brukermedvirkning i sykehusavdelinger i Helse Midt-Norge. En undersøkelse av brukermedvirkningens omfang og helsepersonells erfaringer 2008 Report
Riktig informasjon opplæring gir økt livskvalitet 2008 Interview
Group support and a sense of success and security are important factors for continued exercising. A qualitative study 2008 Academic lecture
CAM use in Norway 2008 Academic lecture
Systematiske review på KOLS og diabetes opplæring 2008 Academic lecture
Systematiske oversikter innen KOLS og diabetesopplæring 2008 Academic lecture
Can the contextual effect of homeopathic care be isolated? A randomised controlled trial 2008 Academic lecture
Brukermedvirkning i Helse Midt-Norges sykehusavdelinger - helsepersonells erfaringer 2008 Poster
Important factors for continued exercise in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) 2008 Poster
Evaluering av pasientopplæring i samarbeid med Lærings- og mestringssentrene (LMS) i Helse Midt-Norge 2008 Poster
Sommarøy Homeopathic Outcome Group and the Patient Oriented Outcomes For Homeopathy 2008 Poster
How do parents to child patients compare consultations with homeopaths and physicians? A qualitative study 2008 Poster
Hva er nytten av pasientopplæring? 2008 Popular scientific lecture
Opplæring av pasienter og pårørende – behovet for informasjonstjenester 2008 Popular scientific lecture
An exploratory study of the contextual effect of homeopathic care. A randomised controlled trial of homeopathic care vs. self-prescribed homeopathic medicine in the prevention of upper respiratory tract infections in children 2007 Academic article
The effect of the homeopathic consultation in the prevention of upper respiratory tract infections in children. A randomized controlled trial 2007 Academic article
Observational study of pulmonary rehabilitation and self management for patients with COPD 2007 Academic article
The profiles of adults who consult alternative health practitioners and/or general practitioners 2007 Academic article
GP users vs. CAM and GP/CAM users. A total population based study (HUNT 2) 2007 Academic lecture
Visit to homeopaths in a total population (HUNT 2) 2007 Academic lecture
The practitioner as researcher: research capacity building within the ranks of CAM 2006 Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Why do parents take their children to homeopaths? An exploratory qualitative study 2006 Academic article
Sykdommen eller mennesket – hva er fokus i en konvensjonell og en homøopatisk konsultasjon? 2006 Academic article
Første homøopat med doktorgrad 2006 Interview
Forskningsgruppe innen pasientopplæring og brukermedvirkning 2006 Academic lecture
Forskning på pasientopplæring og brukermedvirkning i Midt-Norge 2006 Academic lecture
Structure, knowledge and lot and lot of success. A qualitative study of a long stay on site life style change program for persons with obesity 2006 Academic lecture
The context effect. A randomiszed controlled trial of homeopathic care vs. self prescribed homeopathic medicine in the prevention of upper respiratory tract infections in children 2006 Academic lecture
Visits to homeopaths in a Norwegian total population study (HUNT2) 2006 Academic lecture
Effekt og nytte av pasientopplæring 2006 Popular scientific lecture
Bruk av alternativ medisin 2006 Popular scientific lecture
Homøopati som utfordrer til sannheter i etablert medisin 2005 Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Mine motiver som forsker? 2005 Reader opinion piece
Homeopathic care for the prevention of upper respiratory tract infections in children: A pragmatic, randomised, controlled trial comparing individualised homeopathic care and waiting-list controls 2005 Academic article
Changes in patients visiting a homeopathic clinic in Norway - a follow-up study 2005 Academic article
Patients´ assessments on the effectiveness of homeopathic care in Norway. A prospective observational multicentre outcome study 2005 Academic article
Empowering the cancer patient or controlling the tumour? - A qualitative study of how cancer patients experience consultations with respectively CAM practitioners and physicians 2005 Academic article
Fra idealisme til levebrød – en undersøkelse av homeopaters inntekt i 2003 2005 Academic article
Self treatment with one of three self selected, ultramolecular homeopathic medicines for the prevention of upper respiratory tract infections in children. A double-blind randomized placebo controlled trial 2005 Academic article
Homeopathic care for the prevention of upper respiratory tract infections in children. - A pragmatic randomized controlled trial comparing individualised homeopathic care and waiting list controls 2005 Academic article
Homeopathy in the prevention of upper respiration tract infections in children 2005 Doctoral dissertation
Snørrfri i vinter 2005 Interview
Sukkerkuler i den akademiske varmen 2005 Interview
Bruker mindre medisin 2005 Interview
Homøpati: Ren humbug? 2005 Interview
Homøopati 2005 Interview
Homøopati mot luftveisinfeksjoner hos barn 2005 Interview
Homøopati: - Gåten er ikke løst 2005 Interview
Homøopati: - Gåten er ikke løst 2005 Interview
-Ja, sukker- kuler funker! 2005 Interview
The use of simplified constitutional indications for self-prescription of homeopathic medicine 2004 Academic article
Randomised controlled trials of treatment by homeopaths and self-treatment with homeopathic medicines - design and protocol 2004 Academic article
Brukere av homøopati i Norge 2004 Academic article
Brukere av homøopati i Norge 2004 Academic article
Pasienttilgang hos homeopater MNHL. En prospektiv observasjonsstudie i perioden januar til august 2004 2004 Academic article
Medisineres med sukkerkuler 2004 Interview
Homøopati til barn 2004 Interview
Users of homeopaths in Norway in 1998, compared to previous users and GP patients 2003 Academic article
Users of homeopaths in Norway in 1998, compared to previous users and GP patients 2003 Academic article
Schrødingers katt 2003 Interview
Hvilke plager har barn som oppsøker norske homøopater? 2001 Academic article
Kunnskapsbasert alternativ medisin 2000 Academic article
Alternativ medisin - en istitusjon i Norge 2000 Thesis at a second degree level
Homeopaters praksis. En spørreundersøkelse om økonomi, antall pasienter og tidsbruk 1999 Academic article
Data collection in homeopathic practice - A proposal for an international standard 1999 Academic article
Minimum dataset for documentation of homeopathic practice 1998 Academic article
Aslak's presentations
Date Title Event Author(s)
2022.08.05 Dignity Care - Digitally supported Person Centred Care Systems Gro Berntsen, Aslak Steinsbekk, Gro-Hilde Severinsen, Line Silsand, Espen Nordheim, Torbjørn Torsvik, Rune Pedersen, Omid Saadatfard, Anders Grimsmo, Line Melbye, PSHT