DigiValue – Digitally supported ValueCreating Person-centered, Integrated and proactive health services
DigiValue is a research project that will contribute knowledge and evaluation in the development of a digitally supported ValueCreating Person-centered, Integrated and proactive health services. DigiValue introduces a general common value vision and describes research activities related to the development, implementation and evaluation of services and components that support the national e-health strategy and better digital interaction solutions.
DigiValue supports the initiatives related to Report No. 9, "One resident, one record", ICT for a comprehensive health and care service, outlined in Report 26 and the NSE focus area Healthcare. DigiValue research program will have activities in two main areas:
- Overall: Activities focusing on the development, implementation and evaluation of the overall vision
- Depth: Selected areas in which you go into the depth of a problem. Each of the main areas will have sub-projects. It is essential that overall activities can draw alternatives to depth activities and vice versa.
Better population health, better patient experiences and more cost-effective services.
- Write applications to obtain funding for the activity, if it is not funded within the funds of the "mother project"
- Compilation of existing knowledge base
- Formative evaluation
- Summative evaluation