Essential health information travels across borders
Norwegian healthcare professionals will soon be able to access critical health information about people from the EU/EEA who need healthcare in Norway. What does this mean for you as a healthcare professional?

MyHealth@EU allows healthcare professionals in the emergency room to look up which medicines the patient has in their home country. And can then write a new Norwegian prescription.
In the future*, critical patient information will be available to healthcare professionals across EU/EEA countries. This will be relevant if the traveller falls ill or has forgotten medication at home. This increases patient safety.
The MyHealth@EU project facilitates the sharing of two types of information: Patient Summary and ePrescription. At the webinar on 26 January, you will learn what the project means for you as a healthcare professional. The webinar will emphasise ePrescriptions and information for Norwegian pharmacists.
Presentation by project manager Gunnar Øiaas at Norsk Helsenett. The project is a collaboration with the Norwegian Directorate of Health.
*The proposal is under consideration by the European Parliament and the Council. A decision in the EU will not be made until 2024 at the earliest - with application in 2025 at the earliest.
You can download the podcast to your mobile on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or Podbean. Search for ‘Norwegian Centre for E-health Research’.