
Collaboration in the EU

The Norwegian Center for E-health Research's vision is knowledge for better health services. We believe that through interdisciplinary research and knowledge development, we can contribute to better health services for our citizens.

This means that we also look beyond our national borders and contribute as partners and participants in various EU projects. We believe that by sharing our knowledge and gaining new knowledge from other countries, we can provide decision-making authorities with a broad and professional knowledge in the field of e-health.

Our researchers participate in several international networks within different areas of health. Since 1997, the center has been an official collaboration center for the World Health Organization (WHO) in digital health and telemedicine. This means that the center provides advice to the WHO and its member countries on ICT in health services (link to the who page on our website).

The Norwegian Centre for E-health Research is a member of many different international and national organizations and networks that provide expanded opportunities for collaboration. Collaboration in networks provides value, access to new knowledge and the opportunity to find new partners.

Collaboration in the EU

Psykisk helse på dagsorden i Europa

En av seks europeere opplever å få psykiske helseplager. Det tilsvarer 84 millioner mennesker. - Flere e-helseløsninger finnes, nå må de tas i bruk av helsetjenestene, sier Line Linstad i Nasjonalt senter for e-helseforskning.


Hopeful about e-health in psychiatry

The need for psychiatric services for young people is growing, and video care can help. 50 people attended the eCAP conference in Tromsø, and shared important knowledge.
