
2nd Arctic Conference on OpenEHR and Archetype-based clinical Information Systems

Main topics:

  • Archetype driven clinical Data Warehousing
  • Decision support with the Guideline Definition Language
  • The openEHR workflow model
  • Clinical knowledge management
  • OpenEHR as an open platform for clinical data
  • Leveraging openEHR and SNOMED-CT
  • Process mining and standards


  • Ars Semantica - Thomas Beale
  • Cambio Healthcare systems - Rong Chen
  • DIPS - Bjørn Næs
  • Fürst Medisinsk Laboratorium
  • Hannover Medical School - Birger Haarbrandt
  • Inidus - Ian McNicoll and Hildegard Franke
  • Marand - Fabjan Borut
  • Nasjonal IKT - Silje Bakke -
  • Ocean Health - (Healther Leslie)- confirmed telco
  • Region Östergötland & Linköping University - Erik Sundvall
  • Tieto
  • University of Seville - Juan Guerrero Alonso
  • UPV - Vicente Traver
  • Veratech for Health - David Moner