
e-health in Norway 2013

This project will examine awareness and experiences with e-health in Norway. This is a continuation of the population survey (2000-2003) and the EU-project "eHealth Trends" (2005-2008).


The Norwegian Centre for Integrated Care and Telemedicine (NST) have earlier completed five surveys on peoples' use of the internet as a purpose for health; three national (2000, 2001 and 2003) and two international (eHealth Trends 2005, 2007) studies of a representative selection of the population. 19 scientific papers have been published from these. There's many who think about what E-health users wish, but some is based on updated norwegian population surveys.

The first national survey about health related use of the internet and ICT was found in 2000. Back then less than 20% of the population had searched for health information on the internet. Much has happened during the last 13 years. Today there's newer and more specific issues current unlike the more general mapping of use that was interesting 10-15 years ago. A new survey will follow up and build on to earlier surveys, but also point the survey to current themes before electronical e-health services. Some examples on new angles and themes that will be included is use and attitudes to electronic communication with health personnel, use of public services like free hospital choice and e-prescription and attitudes to data security and sharing of health information in social media. Services and ideas that are in the pilot stage today, for example the electronic access to one's journal, is also a theme for the survey.


This survey is performed by TNS Hallup in October-November. 1000 people total age 15 and older is invited to answer the survey via their internet panel. The first results will be in December 2013. The high school in Narvik is a co. partner.




Project manager Tove Sørensen and researcher Hege K Andreassen.