
Electronic interaction in Helgeland

The NST has gotten a mission from Helse Nord RHF and Helgeland Hospital HF to contribute to integrate telemedicine if this is rational in terms of accessibility, cost effective and quality within the fields dermatology and ear nose and throat (ØNH).

Project description

Helgeland Hospital HFF has currently a patient leak in the field dermatology and ØNH. The company wants to implement telemedical solutions in dermatology and ØNH if this contributes to a health service offer that becomes more accessible, cost effective and quality wise better for the people in Helgeland. The solutions developed will be seen in light because the companies will most likely be responsible for transportation expenses for patients. Telemedicine is seen as an instrument for both decentralizing of the services and as an instrument for lowering expenses related to patient travel.

The project is divided into four phases. During phase one that was finished last summer, the NST made a report on the profit potential with using telemedicine. Moreover it was prepared a first draft to the project description. Phase two was just finished has resulted in a concrete project plan in dermatology and ØNH. Phase three that just started will result in a survey of status and suggestions for organizational models with telemedicine in the disciplines. Phase four is planned to start in late september and will focus on implementing the solutions.