
Extent and potential for proliferation of telemedicine in Helse Vest


Helse Vest RHF wish to study the possibilities of using telemedicine in its own region. When the Department of Health- and Medical care advertised funds for the project to strengthen the local hospital function in June 2005, the region granted funds to the project.


The project will contribute and strengthen the local hospitals' roles as safety base for the people in Helse Vest. It will be investigated how telemedicine can be an instrument to develop the local hospitals' role as a safety base for the people in Helse Vest.

Project description

There will be described concrete telemedical solutions for Helse Fonna. Work package 1 includes surveying and description of basic relations for use of telemedicine. This will be implemented with the help of writing and oral requests to Helse ICT AS and the IT-responsible in Helse Vest. the Norwegian Health net also wants to be an important source of information in this survey. This work package will end in a description of status for the health net, connections and messaging in the region, and a recommendation on policy and measures on further connections and proliferation of messaging in the region.

Work package 2 includes a survey of which disciplines in Helse Fonna where telemedicine can give profit that contributes to strengthen the hospitals’ role. This will be implemented with help of conversations with professionals at the health company sections and implementation of structural suitability for different types of telemedicine equipment.

The two work packages will result in a report that Helse Vest RHF and Helse fonna can use as a basis for description of priorities in proliferation of telemedical services in the region. The report will be presented and delivered to Helse Vest RHF before September 29 2006.

Project group

Heidi Jacobsen, NST Ellen Rygh, NST Elin Breivik, NST Arvid Grimstvedt, Helse Fonna


Helse Vest RHF  

Project partners

Helse Vest RHF, Helse Fonna og NST