
MOMENTUM - European momentum for enabling telemedical solutions in daily life.

Project description

MOMENTUM is a european project financed by the EU-programme Competitiveness and Innovation Framework Programme, a sub programme for ICT (CIP ICT PSP). The objective is to establish a network of telemedical personnel that will develop guidance for how telemedical services can be used in daily practice. This guide will be developed, validated and tested for two years.

NST manages the work that will cover the juridical and security related aspects to adopt telemedicine in daily use.


MOMENTUM is EU-financed by CIP ICT PSP (Grant Agreement No. 297320).

Project partners

MOMENTUM is coordinated by the European Health Telematics Association (EHTEL). The consortium is made out of 21 european organizations total. These are:

Telemedicine-organizations and competence centers from Norway, France, Germany, Great Britain, Poland, Spain, Denmark, Estonia, Sweden, and Switzerland. European NGOs that represent health personnel, health service providers, health research and technology suppliers.

Project participants

Ellen K. Christiansen, e-mail: email hidden; JavaScript is required, phone.: 416 84 705

More information about the project
