
Nært og Kjært

Identify possibilities for use of ICT and welfare technology in the service offers.

NST was a participant in the project Nært og Kjært that would bring safety and better health so that people will be able to live home as long as possible. The project was managed by Tromsø Private Care Service (TPO). Selected municipalities and the Foundation Elisabeth center in Tromsø are other participants.

The main goal for the pilot project phase 1 was to gather knowledge, investigate a cooperation model and map possibilities for using ICT and welfare technology in the service offer.

NST's mission was to map requirements and pilot technological solutions at 8 users living at home.

The cooperation was concluded after mapping of requirements and piloting.

Other contact persons

Heidi Aarmo Lund i Tromsø Private Omsorgstjeneste as (TPO)

Tove Normann, e-mail: email hidden; JavaScript is required, phone: 970 65 135.