
Nordic e-health forum


Nordic e-health forum is a continuation of the Nordic telemedical collaboration forum, opened Mars 2006. In 2010 the forum was in it's fourth period.


The purpose with this forum is to contribute to further develop and increase the use telemedicine and e-health in the North. The goal is to identify obstacles that exist for an effective cooperation in telemedicine and e-health over the borders in the North, and give suggestions on how to solve this.

Project partners

The forum has representatives from Denmark, Finland, the Faroe islands, Iceland, Norway, Sweden, Greenland, and from the Nordic Telemedicine Association (NTA). The Norwegian Centre for Integrated Care and Telemedicine (NST) has the secretariat function for the forum. The forum has the following members.

  • Denmark:

    • Elisabeth Hersby, chief consultant, The board of health, Unit for Supervision.

    • Jonas Tyle Petersen, Digital Health, Connected Digital Health in Denmark.

  • Finland:

    • Matti Mäkelä, Chief physician, Institute for health and welfare.

  • Faroe islands:

    • Tummas i Garði, Medical director, Landssygehuset, Torshavn

  • Iceland:

    • Gunnar Alexander Ólafsson, special advisor in Health- och social department of insurance.

  • Norway:

    • Kristian Skauli, senior advisor in the departement of IT-strategy in Health directory

    • Asbjørn Seim, department director in the Health directory

  • Sweden:

    • Daniel Forslund, Departementssekreterare / Head of Section, Socialdepartementet/ Ministry of Health and Social Affairs,

    • Enheten för hälso- och sjukvård / HealthCare Division

    • Susanne Bergman, Ministry of Health and Social Affairs.

  • Greenland:

    • Lars Ragus, project manager for the telemedicine project, Departementet of Sundhed.

  • Nordic Telemedicine Association (NTA):

    • Jarmo Reponen, vice-president NTA, chief Physician, Research Manager, Dept. of Radiology, Raahe Hospital

    • Þorgeir Pálsson, President of the Nordic Telemedicine Association (NTA)

    • Nordic juridical network for e-health

Directed by the Nordic e-health forum, the Nordic network for e-health is created. The network consists of lawyers from member countries with particular interest for e-health. The members are:

  • Danmark:

    • Elisabeth Hersby, chief consultant, The board of health, Unit for Supervision.

  • Finland:

    • Päivi Salo, Ministry of Health and Social Affairs, Finland

  • Island:

    • Áslaug Einarsdóttir, Heilbrigðisráðuneytið / Ministry of Health

  • Sverige:

    • Maria Jacobsson, The National Board of Health and Social Affairs

  • Norge:

    • Siri Pernille Utkilen, Directory of health

    • Ellen Kari Christiansen, National center for Interaction and Telemedicine (NST)

    • Leif Erik Nohr, National center for Interaction and Telemedicine (NST)

Relevant information about the forum's issues.

Electronic prescriptions over the borders in the North by Leif Erik Nohr and the Nordic eHealth forum (2009).

Possibilities and barriers of E-health over the borders in the north. Report from Nordic cooperation forum for telemedicine (2006).

Health and Social Sectors with an "e", A study of the Nordic countries (2005).

Report of identified legal issues in the Baltic eHealth project (july 2005).

Final report from the project "Digital røntgen: Distribuert granskning av røntgenbilder over bredbånd". This is a project where x-ray services was between Namsos and Levanger hospital in Norway and Barcelona, Stockholm, Linkjøping, or Gothenburg.

Upgradability and strength of the telemedical collaboration in the Nordic and adjacent areas. The Nordic Council of Ministers, DIVS 2000:820. Must be ordered from The Nordic Council of Ministers.