
User involvement in design and developing ICT based health information resources

The pilot project aims to develop a working methodology to include peer competence in ICT based information- and teaching resources for patients, chronically ill people and their relatives in connection with convalescence and rehabilitation.


Volunteer organizations' peer work represents a community resource that is important to draw all convalescence -and rehabilitation courses.

"User perspectives" and the users' own strategies for coping with their symptoms in local contexts is an important addition in health care information. Today there is no systematic methodology for the return of peer competence to the health care- and we will with this pilot project consider which alternatives that is present. ICT based communication arenas can promote mastering, self help and facilitate learning in convalescence after an emergency disease periods or in connection with chronical disease cases and habilitating/rehabilitating. If patients' and chronically ill peoples' ability to cope with their disease should improve then it is important to present peer competence and health care competence as fulfilling and complementary resources.


The pilot project will concretize how peer competence can be collected, processed, presented and integrated as an addition for health care information in connection to the net based health information services. The goal with this pilot project is to examine methods and give examples of concrete routines for collection and systematization of peer competence with the aim of including it in public e-health services. This pilot project will contribute to production of knowledge and methods that can be used and further developed in ICT based communication- and information services to the users with chronic conditions and/or complex handicaps where interdisciplinary and interdepartmental coordination and user involvement is important aspects.


Helse Nord has in 2005 allowed a funding for a main project in extension of this pilot project starting 1. January 2006.