
User participation in planning and operations of telemedical services

The project sought to establish and develop user participation as a practical work tool in e-health questions.

Project description

NST aims to promote users' influence in e-health questions through three measures:

  • Establishment of a user forum to return user experiences to NST.
  • Establishment of a discussion forum / electric network to stimulate the information development between user organizations and NST in e-health questions.
  • Highlighting the users' own assessments in e-health context during TTC in Tromsø in September 2003.

This project aims to investigate different organizational models for feedback of user experiences on the service products in the e-health sector. NST has user experience as a base for research -and development operations of user experience on the service products. This will seen as the base to secure expedient and effective e-health offers for everyone.

Project partners

The project was a collaboration between NST and Disabled Common organization (FFO).