

1. https://deploy.patientsknowbest.com/
Patients know best (PKB) is a secure online portal that allows you to store your health records in one place. Their webpage provides information on what you need to deploy PKB successfully.

2. https://wmty.world/
“What matters to you (WMTY) is an international person-centered care movement. The WMTY.world website provides links and downloadable resources highlighting WMTY implementation and efforts worldwide. The website is relevant for both patients and healthcare professionals.

3. https://www.gu.se/en/gpcc
Centre for Person-Centred Care (GPCC) in Gothenburg is a research center aiming to support and carry out high-quality research on person-centered care. Their webpage provides resources and links to material relating to person-centered care produced by GPCC and others. The webpage is of particular interest to researchers and healthcare professionals.

4. https://isqua.org/education/specialist-certificates/principles-of-person-centred-care.html
International Society for Quality in Health Care (ISQua) is a member-based, not-for-profit community and organization dedicated to promoting quality improvement in healthcare. They offer flexible online education programs for healthcare professionals, among other things related to Person-Centred Care.

5. http://www.ihi.org/Topics/WhatMatters/Pages/default.aspx and https://www.ihi.org/Topics/PFCC/Pages/default.aspx
Institute for Healthcare Improvement is using improvement science to advance and sustain better outcomes in health and health care across the world. Their webpage provides resources on topics involving the “what matters to you”-movement and Person-Centered Care.

6. https://www.theberylinstitute.org/
The Beryl Institute is a global community of healthcare professionals committed to transforming the human experience in healthcare. Over the last decade, they have worked to establish a global community of practice on improving the patient experience.

7. https://www.picker.org/
The Picker Institute is a non-profit organization dedicated to developing and promoting a person-centered approach to healthcare. They design and deliver original health and social care research. On their webpage, you will find resources related to Person-Centered Care across sectors within healthcare.

8. https://www.who.int/news/item/28-05-2016-world-health-assembly-adopts-framework-on-integrated-people...
World Health Organization shares information on the Framework of integrated people-centered health services.