
EHiN Research 2019: Fresh knowledge on pressing issues

We are enthusiastic about the research that will be shared with everyone at EHiN. This year, we offer a conference-in-the-conference, namely the Scandinavian Conference on Health Informatics. It is the setting of all the new e-health research, and an important part of it all.

EHiN: A great venue for sharing new e-health knowledge
EHiN: A great venue for sharing new e-health knowledge

There will be a long list of good e-health talks – here is a taste of the program.

Digital medicines management

Using e-health systems for medicines management in hospitals, across institutions and levels of care is now in the making worldwide. Knowledge about how it affects health and care services is scarce and needs to be looked into. In this session, we will hear about how health care personnel experience the introduction of such systems, in primary care in Norway, for the multidose users and then in a hospital setting in Australia. We will also learn what the literature say about a digitally shared medication list.

Unn Sollid Manskow
Unn Sollid Manskow
Elin Lehnbom
Elin Lehnbom

From clinical e-health tools to structured health data

How is technology changing patient treatment in both the psychiatric and somatic healthcare? Researchers are putting their efforts into raising quality and efficiency. This session will present studies on the use of health data. Increasingly, patients monitor themselves at home by using sensors. While we all benefit from more research and better quality in care, scientists must also develop algorithms that guarantee our privacy.

Jarle Urdal
Jarle Urdal
Amin Aminifar
Amin Aminifar

Nordic Research Network for Health and Welfare Technology

The aim of the Nordic research network is to consolidate knowledge, research, higher education and experiences in the field of health and welfare technology with a user perspective. Shared experiences will benefit all in the future, the citizen, personnel, supplier, organizational and political level.

Birthe Dinesen
Birthe Dinesen
Elin Thygesen
Elin Thygesen

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