
Visit from Slippery Rock University

Our centre was glad to receive a group of visiting students and professors all the way from Slippery Rock University, Pennsylvania.

Students from Slippery Rock University. Photo: Lene Lundberg
Students from Slippery Rock University. Photo: Lene Lundberg

24 students, mostly undergraduate psychology students, and three professors were on a study visit to learn about the development, health care and psychiatric care in Norway.

Before the group arrived in Tromsø they had been to Bergen.

They were introduced to the activities at the Norwegian Centre for E-health Research by department director Gunn-Hilde Rotvold.

Then, they got a look into some of our fields of research, by Elin Breivik (eCAP project), Ove Lintvedt (Internet-based depression treatment), Eirik Årsand (m-health) and Paolo Zanaboni (e-rehabilitation/telerehabilitation).

- It is interesting to learn about some of your e-health research, says professor Catherine Massey from Slippery Rock University.

- We are an international centre, with about 15 different nationalities. It is great to meet students and researchers from other institutions, we always discover that we have things to learn from eachother, says Gunn-Hilde Rotvold.