
Alternative user-interfaces for health based services on mobile devices


For persons with a chronic disease, being able to manage their own disease and having access to relevant health information are important factors for maintaining a good quality of life.

The information society makes large amounts data available in databases and as hypertext on the web. This information can be hard to access for a large portion of the population which is not power-users of such technology.

Project description

This project prepared by Telenor R&D and The Norwegian Centre for Telemedicine is based on the participants' earlier projects on digital solutions aimed at persons with chronic diseases or with special user interface needs.

The project has evaluated the possibility for use of individual profiling of user interfaces, and a main focus has been on new user interfaces for mobile devices.

"Vision impaired with the chronic disease diabetes" was used as a case in the project.

The project has resulted in a project report (available in Norwegian only), and a project application to the Norwegian Foundation for Health and Rehabilitation.

Project partners

Telenor R&D and The Norwegian Centre for Telemedicine (NST)