
Automatic transfer of blood glucose data from children with type 1 diabetes

New solutions may improve the everyday life of children with diabetes type 1 and their families. The Norwegian Centre for Telemedicine (NST) is running a project with wireless and automatic transfer of blood glucose data, especially for children and youth who have type 1 diabetes.

Project description

The Norwegian Centre for Telemedicine (NST) is running a project with wireless and automatic transfer of blood glucose data, especially for children and youth who have diabetes type 1.

The project will test if it is technically feasible to implement a system for wireless transfer of blood glucose data, based on existing blood glucose meters and mobile phones. In addition, the project will evaluate user satisfaction among the children and their families. After a test period of four months, the project will be evaluated also at a conceptual level. It will then be decided if NST will continue research within the field of automated patient-worn-sensors and supportive systems.

Project financing

The project is financed by the Norwegian Directorate for Health and Social Welfare.

More information about the project

Bluetooth provider connectBlue AB