
Chain of Trust

Understanding Patients’ and Health Professionals’ perspective on Telehealth and building confidence and acceptance.


Project description

The "Chain of Trust" project started off in January 2011 with the overall objective of assessing the perspective of the main end users of telehealth services across the EU to see whether and how views have evolved since the initial deployment of telehealth and what barriers there still are to building confidence in and acceptance of this innovative type of services.

The project will result in an assessment of the views, needs, benefits and barriers related to telehealth from the perspective of patients, doctors, nurses and pharmacists.

Through a sustainable partnership between their leading representative EU umbrella organisations these telehealth user groups will have the opportunity to voice their views through various methods focused on gathering qualitative information and driven by a participatory approach.

Ultimately the project will aim at strengthening significantly the levels of awareness and trust for all key stakeholders. The findings and the recommendations will constitute a unique tool to inform policies and decision-making at various levels.

Main focus

The project will implement an on-going dissemination plan that will complement and reinforce the impact of WP5 “Raising Awareness”and will engage the outreach capacity of all of the players involved in the project to disseminate the outcomes in an effective way.

A ‘ chain of trust’ will be created by linking specific target groups among patients and families, carers, health professionals, health managers and health policy shapers at International, European, national, regional and local level to the extensive repository of knowledge and resources developed by the project.

Major institutions with a direct or indirect stake in telemedicine will also be targeted: the EC (relevant DGs in the spirit of HIAP), the EP ( relevant committees and interest groups,) Council of Europe, EcoSoc, OECD, Committee Assembly of the European Regions, ETUC, UNICE. Important e-health milestones in the annual calendar, e.g EU e-health presidency conferences will also be used to disseminate the outcomes.

Chain of Trust - Part 1 (Subtitled)
Chain of Trust - Part 2 (Subtitled)

Project partners:

  • European Patients’ Forum (EPF, project leader)
  • Standing Committee of European Doctors (CPME)
  • Pharmaceutical Group of the European Union (PGEU)
  • European Federation of Nurses Associations (EFN)
  • Thalassaemia International Federation (TIF)
  • Norwegian Centre for Integrated Care and Telemedicine (NST)
  • Latvian Umbrella Body for Disability Organisations (SUSTENTO)


DG Sanco, Public Health Programme

Contact information

Undine Knarvik, e-mail: email hidden; JavaScript is required for NST, Liuska Sanna for EPFemail hidden; JavaScript is required.

Project website
