
Internet as prevention area for youth with mentally ill parents

This project is a doctoral project in sociology, that will discuss the potential of internet based self help as a preventative support service for youth with mentally ill parents.


This project is a part of the patient programme's purpose to contribute with increased knowledge about the patients' and the audiences' need and experiences when it comes to use if ICT for health purposes. Research shows that children and youth that grows up with mentally ill parents belong in a risk group, simultaneously as prevention building efforts shows to have a good effect.

Experience from the practice field is however that the target audience is of different reasons hard to get a hold of, and in many cases they are described as "the invisible children". It is determined in public investigations that offering children of mentally ill parents is not satisfactory. It would therefore be interesting to discuss the potential of using the internet as a preventative arena and the use of self help groups that as a service to this target audience.


The goal with the project is to gather increased knowledge of using the internet as a preventative method, and discuss the potential of internet based self help as a preventative support service for youth with mentally ill parents.

Project description

In this project an internet based self help group is established for youth (15-18 years) who have mentally ill parents. This service has gotten the name "Snakkerommet", and is a part of the net service Morild (website is defunct in 2022) driven by Sørlandet hospital HF v/Section for children -and youths' mental health. "Snakkerommet" gives youth the possibility to communicate with people in the same situation as themselves. The research project has an explorative form, with elements from formative evaluation.

The study is using a qualitative methodic approach, with focus on the youths' experiences with using the internet based self help group in relation with mastering and handling their life situation.

The project's issues will be discussed in light of perspectives connected to the use of technology in health promoting work, same age socialization, self help, sociocultural environments and modernity theories.

Project supervisor: Sissel H. Eriksen, Institute for sociology, University of Tromsø.

Co. supervisor: Amy Holtan, RBUP, Health region North, University of Tromsø.

Project partners

The project is a collaboration between the Norwegian centre for Integrated care and Telemedicine (NST) and Sørlandet hospital HF v/Section for children -and youths' mental health, through an establishment of a closed internet based self help group for youth (15-18 years) with mentally ill parents.


Telemedical research programme, Helse Nord RHF.

More information about the project

Contact Marianne Trondsen or Agnes Rabbe, phone: 97 51 35 69, e-mail: email hidden; JavaScript is required