
Conensus process for telemedicine in the antenatal care

The project had two goals. The first goal was tied to generating knowledge about telemedicine in the antenatal care, while the other goal was tied to the actual method. The project involved surveying how such services have been used in Norway and surveying resource personnel and environments that can be relevant for the consensus process.

Project description

Based on, among other things Medcom's positive experiences with using the consensus method the NST wished to further assess such a methodical approach in preparation of new information packs. By using such a method the NST wished to generate a knowledge base to prepare information packs based on national experiences in addition to convey telemedical knowledge and experiences to multiple professionals. The NST wished to try the consensus method in connection with preparing the information packs "Telemedicine in the antenatal care."

The background to be based in the consensus process as a methodical tool, was not based on a desire of total consensus, but rather a desire to survey tendencies, bring forth experiences and work on five arguments in the discussion around benefits and challenges with telemedicine in the antenatal care. Our desired choice of method in our project can be said to have been knowledge generation through the process.

The project's deliveries to the original was described was an information pack: -a notebook with experiences and requirements for telemedicine in the antenatal care and a brochure with a short version. However they gave the debate and thus the result from the first consensus process was not enough of a base to create a notebook with the content we have first thought. Instead it has been prepared a brochure and a scientific article.