
Play and learn with Diabetes Friends

In the project “Play and learn with Diabetes Friends” a social game for children with diabetes will be developed. The game will motivate the children to better self treatment and increase their knowledge about diabetes.


The teenage years can be challenging period for all parents and children. For children with Type 1 diabetes this can be extra difficult, since they in addition to other demands also will have to gradually take over the responsibility of their own treatment.

Project goals

The primary goal of the project is to develop a game that can be useful for children with Type 1 diabetes in the challenging task of taking over the responsibility for their own treatment. This will be done by developing a motivating game where they can see their own goals and learn how the goals can influence their own health. They will also be able to meet other children in a similar situation.


ExtraStiftelsen Helse og Rehabilitering

Project participant

Ragnhild Varmedal, e-mail: email hidden; JavaScript is required, tel: +47 907 92 216.