
Translation assistant project: Implementation of remote control of MR- and CT- laboratories in Norwegian Health net


There is a violent further development in image diagnostics, and especially does this apply to modalities like MR, CT and PET/CT. In the next ten years it's expected to with an increase of over 200% in image diagnostics in the USA (according to some publications). This trend have been ambiguously the same in Europe.

It is being invested large sums in diagnostics equipment (MR, CT, etc) and radiology IT-equipment (RIS, PACS, 3D-programs, and so on) all over the country. Equipping the sections have been going faster than the competence development among radiologists. This has led to expensive temporary arrangements with norwegian and foreign doctors. But the temporary arrangements is volatile, creates little continuity to the hospitals' competence building, and undermines the national competence uplift.

In Norway there has been coming simpler teleradiology solutions that serves private institutes. These institutes have then been able to increase the number of examinations on CD or online to other countries.

A better organization has as a goal to optimize the use of radiologists, and in addition get the profit from the large investments made in RIS, PACS, healthnet and diagnostic equipment. "Remote control" of laboratories, where the radiological competence sits centrally in a professional and productivity wise large enough group, while equipment and radiographs is where the patient belongs, is a solution we are currently testing.

Project description

This project combines PACS with a multi-channel video conference system so that advanced x-ray laboratory examinations with CT and MR can be remote controlled. A radiologist is professionally responsible for radiological examinations simultaneously on different locations. The project will give good resources from both equipment and professional personnel and will cause more patients to be able to get advanced examinations.

The project is managed by KITS v/Senior advisor Roald Bergstrøm, NST manages the work package: Evaluation of organization development.

Evaluation of organization development

To get experience on the concept we will test the remote controlling in three laboratories - technical and organizational. Medical/radiological values and interpretation will be in the center, while the technical implementation will be peripherally.

The project will point to organizational challenges and propose operations and work form for a solution with remote controlled laboratories.

The evaluation will start with the frequency of use and survey how competent radiologists and users in the external laboratories perceives the meaning of accessibility on unique competence. The evaluation will be implemented as a questionnaire after the pilot is finished.

There will be interviews on every participating hospital with registered traffic as base, where both frequency and content is described. The evaluation initially means systemization of empirical data that is published in the form of a report. Data will be calculated and be included as a base for further research.

Project partners

The project cooperates between several Health companies/regions and central operators in Helse-Norge. The following partners participates in the project.

  • Rikshospitalet–Radiumhospitalet HF

  • NST

  • KITH

  • Norsk Helsenett

  • Intervensjon Senteret

  • Radiumhospitalet

  • Ringerike sykehus

  • Tønsberg sykehus

  • En intern lab på Rikshospitalet

  • AHUS overveier om de skal koble seg på


The norwegian council of research/High commissioner from September 2006 to the end of 2007, 45%. Equity financing 55%. Own efforts in time from Rikshospitalet – Radiumhospitalet HF, Norsk Helsenett, NST, Intervensjonssenteret and the pilot hospitals. In addition own efforts is included in equipment that is set as disposition for the project.

Project divisions

The project is divided into 5 phases. Three phases are equity financed. Phase four (this project): September 2006 until the end of 2007. The project is a bit out of the time schedule because of technological and organizational challenges. It will therefore be stretched out a bit in time. Phase 5 plan: Prevalence of 6 laboratories in 2008.