Health Talk Norway
The patient's health service is a political and academic goal in Norway today. Still, there are currently few arenas where the patient's own voice can be heard. As a result, health debates are characterized by the fact that "what is best for the patient" is often interpreted and conveyed by someone other than the person who is actually sick. There is a large, unexplored potential in e-health here.
Digital channels can be used both to gather and convey patient and family experiences in systematic ways. DIPEx methodology for qualitative studies of health experiences has been developed by the international research network DIPEx International. The methodology has been tested in 10 other nations, but not in Norway. The project Health Talk Norway is a pilot project to investigate whether this methodology can be useful in Norway.
The main objective is to assess whether research and dissemination of health experiences can be improved using DIPEx methodology.
Secondary objectives
- Study Dipex methodology for qualitative research on health experiences.
- Assess the applicability of DIPEx methodology as a starting point for a Norwegian website on health experiences.
- Establish collaboration with other Norwegian environments / single researchers researchers with an interest in qualitative studies of health experiences.
The pilot project has been completed. All goals were reached and we concluded that the DIPEx method would be useful in building a Norwegian web service for the dissemination of individual health experiences.