
Runny nose? Ill? Try Erdusyk.no

In an instant, Erdusyk.no can tell you the reason your nose is running and your stomach aches. The search engine compares symptoms to diseases where you live*. Now we need your help to develop the system further.

The system for disease surveillance is tested in Helse Nord, but may soon be available in most health regions in Norway.

Become a test subject

Help us develop the system's user friendliness further.

Go to Erdusyk.no to check out the system, and then answer our survey(which is in english). You can try Erdusyk.no wherever you live (in Norway), but provisionally your symptoms will be compared to infection data in Northern Norway.

Earlier disease alert

- When the system becomes fully operational in multiple health regions, earlier warnings of epidemics becomes possible. This will then become useful for health personnel and patients every day, not just when there is an epidemic or pandemic, professor Johan Gustav Bellika at the Norwegian Centre for E-health research says. Bellika is the prime engine in the system.

*The calculations only take the diseases that the system has an overview on in consideration, so the diseases can have other causes other than the ones the system has information of.