
Digital wound treatment and collaboration

It's difficult for patients with serious wounds to get to the hospital. Follow them up at home then! Recording of a webinar on 22 October on wound management via video meeting.

Digital wound treatment and collaboration
Bodil Bach, Ingebjørg Irgens and Mark Miller share their experiences with digital wound care.

Wound care can be a lengthy process, so it's useful to be able to alternate between physical and video consultations. How does a video consultation on wound care work when the patient is at home? How do the GP and specialists get involved? What does the patient think about home follow-up, is this a Go or a No? How should interaction between the patient, GP and specialist health service be organised in terms of cost? Get answers to these questions and more at the next webinar in the series on digital home follow-up.

Presentation by Bodil Bach, project manager Vestre Viken HF and CEO SMARTsam AS, Ingebjørg Irgens, head doctor at Sunnaas hospital, and Mark Miller, equal opportunities officer in Momentum.


You can download the podcast to your mobile on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or Podbean. Search for ‘Norwegian Centre for E-health Research’.