
Everything a teenager can have questions about

When a young person wonders about flirting, choosing a high school or anxiety, where do they find answers? Ung.no is the site to check!

How to take care of the whole youth, not just their health?

Webinar: Everything a teenager can have questions about
Adélie Dorseuil created DigiUng i 2014, when she was 21 years old, just a bit older than the target group for the website ung.no.
Cross-sectoral co-operation is not a word that generates much enthusiasm among young people. But the result of such co-operation will make it much easier for us to reach out to young people.

The DigiUng programme aims to help young people find information and services in one place. Everything is gathered on ung.no. The website strikes a balance between being both safe and accessible.

Project manager Adélie Dorseuil from the Norwegian Directorate of Health will show how ‘Odin’ and ‘Kim’ navigate the digital ecosystem on ung.no to find answers to their questions.


You can download the podcast to your mobile on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or Podbean. Search for ‘Norwegian Centre for E-health Research’.