Healthcare workers connect with each other and the patients by using video meetings and other technologies. In this video, we hear the experiences of two healthcare professionals at the University Hospital of North Norway (UNN) and one researcher at the Norwegian Centre for E-health Research.
How do you give the best possible adapted health care, to a patient living at home with a need for follow-up and risk of new hospitalizations? In this video, we hear the experiences of a patient, his cohabitant and a nurse in the municipal health service.
- It is best to live at home and have as much everyday life as possible. I am too young to live in a nursing home, the patient says, among other things.
10-12-2021Lege og professor Gro Berntsen har gjennom mange år studert hvordan personer med sammensatte behov mottar helsetjenestene.
- De fire gruppene som regjeringen har pekt på i den nye nasjonale helse- og sykehusplanen (2020-2023), kan samles under en felles tittel: pasienter som har langvarige og komplekse behov. Dersom helsetjenesten ikke samordner seg - så gir vi dem en behandlingsbyrde i tillegg til de utfordringene de allerede har, understreker Berntsen.
Sharing health data across borders.
31-10-2019The future trend is more and more patient centered solutions.
31-10-2019Patients, health professionals and the government need a radical change in the health services, especially for patients with chronic diagnoses and complex needs. The Norwegian Centre for E-health Research is part of the project 3P: Patients and professionals in partnership. It is lead by Prof. Gro Berntsen. The aim is a patient centered health service. In this video you will hear Sigurd Stenersen, from Harstad, Norway, talk about his experiences as a patient and his thoughts on receiving care.