
Exchange and sharing of patient generated data


The project aims at gathering and sharing knowledge about exchange of patient data generated from electronic medical devices or health app and prepare the ground for sharing of patient generated data. The Norwegian Centre for e-Health Research should participate in networks with relevant regional, national and European e-health organizations. Network with national institutions with responsibility for development of services and systems for interaction between patients and healthcare institution is especially important.


The project’s goals are (1) to participate actively in national and European networks to contribute solving specific data sharing challenges, and (2) to procure new knowledge around patient data sharing to substantiate future healthcare services with the patient as an active and informed participant, for safe health apps, and to support cooperation across health management levels – nationally and internationally. A long-term vision for the project is to contribute developing the Northern countries as an arena for safe sharing of patient generated data.


Network-based activities:

  • Participation in relevant network with central actors within themes as exchange of data, sharing and communications of patient generated data, interoperability, m-health, etc.
  • Organization of workshops with relevant institutions and organisations to highlight specific themes, and to connect experts and researchers from different relevant fields around m-health related challenges and sharing of patient generated data.