
Semantic interoperability to support the development of process oriented EPR systems towards integrated care


The aim of this study is to follow, describe and contribute to increased semantic and technological interoperability in Electronic Patient Record systems (EPR) in Norwegian healthcare to obtain integrated care. In turn, semantic interoperability will secure a common understanding of the clinical content in EPR systems over regional and national boundaries through the development of a national repository for archetypes. Archetypes are re-usable structured models of clinical concepts and knowledge made to standardize the content (variables like e.g. blood pressure) of EPRs. In addition, the EPR (DIPS Arena) will consist of structured data elements that will enable clinicians to use data for process- and decision support, for reimbursement purposes, and for clinical research.

Secondly, both the technical and semantic interoperability will contribute towards integrated care between health services through a standardized language and more standardized communication mechanisms.


This research will use qualitative methods, interpretive, and ethnographic oriented, grounded in action research through my participation and contribution.