USECARE - USE Cases for Informal Care

USECARE focuses on ICT solutions for persons with chronic or non-communicable diseases (NCD) such as heart failure, early diagnosed Diabetes type2 and COPD Gold 1, as well as informal caregivers (family, neighbors, friends). USECARE intends to show how current ICT can support information flow between patient and Informal Caregivers, sensitize the public as ultimate stakeholder for adequate remuneration, and add a stress reduction solution for both patients and carers.
The current SENACA solution is technically based on the 2net Platform, a robust cloud-based system designed to be universally-interoperable with different medical devices and applications, enabling end to-end wireless connectivity while allowing medical device users and their physicians or caregivers to easily access biometric data. In cooperation with participating SMEs we will in addition to set up a pilot network with further 2 localized sites in Norway ( and Israel ( In each of the three participating countries a user group of 15 patients and 15 respective proxy-patients or carers will be recruited, provided and trained with the prototype self-management system.
- To further develop the current prototype of a self-management system SENACA 2.0 (for SENior health ACAdemy) to enable carers for remote-controlling critical bio-markers of patients, therapy adherence (medication and lifestyle), aggregating information and social interaction.
- To field-test the prototype focusing on interaction between Carers and Elderly Patients, in a multi centre observational study in different cultural settings.
- To deduct a sustainable meso- and macro-economic case as a basis of a sustainable business plan for SENACA.